Chapter Nine

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[September 16th, 2005]

    Today was Homecoming at Forks, and I was excited because Paul, Kim, Jared, and I would all be hanging out after school and then going to the football game, and then the dance afterward. I was currently sitting in my algebra class, taking notes as the teacher drones on and on. I was anxious for the class to be over so I could eat lunch and see Paul. After what felt like hours, the bell finally rang, and I quickly shut my notebook and textbook, shoved everything into my bag, and headed to my locker. I put my textbooks away and grabbed what I'd need for the rest of the afternoon, and then grabbed my lunchbox before shutting my locker and heading outside to meet up with Paul.

    I walked down the hall, exited the building by the library, and headed to a couple of tables behind the dinky greenhouses that are used for storage now. I sat my things down and was about to sit when Paul's arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I grin, turning and leaning into his embrace. Things felt off since my conversation with Bella yesterday and I was still angry at Edward's lack of boundaries.

"Everything okay, babe?" Paul asks, leaning back to lift my chin so he can see my face. I frown a little before explaining what happened last night.

"-and now everything feels off and I feel violated," I complain, sitting down and beginning to open my lunchbox. Paul balled up his fists, clenching and unclenching them as he attempted to control his anger. 

"I'll talk with Sam and see what we can do," he says after a few minutes, and then to help distract himself, he grabbed the food I packed for him and we ate in silence, my right leg resting over his left leg. We ate in silence, and then the bell for the next period rang. We stayed put, the both of us having a study hall this hour. Paul turned and pulled my back to his chest so I was leaning against him, and we were looking out across campus and towards the forest.

"I promise I'll make tonight seem as normal as I can," he finally whispers, pressing a kiss to my temple. I close my eyes, leaning my head against his, and I nod; knowing that he really would try.

~ ~ ~ ~

    I had just stepped aside to drink some punch they had when Paul came back from his phone call. He takes ahold of my hand and leads me out of the gym and outside.

"Paul, what's going on?" I ask as we head further into the parking lot and towards a familiar car.

"Bella's missing, I have to go help Jared and Sam search the woods for her. Kim's going to take you home," he says, and as we reach the car, I see Kim in the driver's seat.


"Kathy, I need you to be safe. And you'll be safe at home. I promise I will either come see you or call you later," he says, his hands on either side of my face. He leans in, pressing his lips to mine. I suck in a breath out of shock, and then I kiss him back. He pulls away, a large grin on his face as he runs off into the trees.

"Oh my god!" Kim squeals from behind me, the passenger door open, "Was that your first kiss?" 

"I'd be freaking out too, but I feel like now isn't a good time," I reply, jumping into the car before we speed off towards my house. Why was Bella missing? Did it have something to do with Edward?

...did he kill her?

    My heart dropped into my stomach and I felt sick. I rolled down the window, breathing in the fresh air to help settle my nerves. I felt Kim reach over and hold my hand. I gave her a grateful squeeze, and soon we arrived at my house that was surrounded by police and other cars. I thanked Kim before hopping out and heading over to where I see my Uncle Charlie at.

"Uncle C!" I call, and he turns to look at me, and I now see a flashlight and map behind him.

"Kathy, oh good. I hoped Paul got the message," he says, pulling me into a hug. I hug him back, turning us so we're looking at the map.

"What happened to her?" I whisper, my thoughts wandering back to the ones I had on the drive here resurfacing.

"I don't know hun, but we're gonna find her. I promise," he whispers back, kissing the top of my head before going back to talking to the men surrounding the map.

    We had just returned from searching another section of the woods. Bella had been missing for around six hours now, and it was late. Charlie stood by the cruisers with several others while Jacob was pacing beside me. I glanced towards the woods behind the house where I soon see Sam walking across the back lawn.

"Uncle Charlie!" I shout, and he turns quickly, seeing what I pointed at and rushes over to take Bella from Sam. I follow Charlie over and give Sam a hug once Bella is in Charlie's arms.

"Thank you, Sam,"

"No problem, baby alpha," Sam replies, a smile on his face. I roll my eyes at the nickname before following after Charlie. Sam started calling me that after the boys got into a fight at Sam's and I yelled at all of them, and they all listened and sat down afterwards. I stood outside Bella's door as he got Bella situated on her bed. He turned and closed the door behind him, and then turned to me.

"She's sleeping now. I have to go take care of-" and he trails off.

"It's okay, Uncle C. I'll be okay," I smile at him, giving him a quick side hug before disappearing into my room. I grab a pair of sweats and one of Paul's sweatshirts, as well as some underwear before heading into the bathroom for a shower. Paul called later that night, apologizing for not coming to see me in person, to which I reassured him it was okay. We talked for a little while before I said goodnight and then went to sleep. Little did I know what was about to begin.

    For the next several nights, several times throughout the night, Bella would begin screaming as if somebody were killing her. It was really starting to worry Charlie and I. She would sit and stare out the window all day, and then was tortured by...nightmares, or something at night. It was Friday, and I was sitting on my bed, staring at my dufflebag that sat on my desk. Charlie appeared in my doorway, leaning against it.

"What's the matter kiddo?" he ask, and I sigh before looking up at him.

"I feel bad leaving you alone with her,"

"Kathy, you've been a huge help when it comes to Bella and her nightmares. You deserve a night to go out and have fun," he tells me, a small smile on his face as he pushes off the doorway and disappears. I shake my head and look down; smiling at my uncle. Then I get up and pack everything I'll need to get ready for the dance and for when I stay at Kim's tonight. Charlie suggested it because I've been helping out with Bella every night. Without even discussing it, we somehow ended up just taking turns on who went in to calm her down when she had one of her fits.

    Soon, I heard a honk outside and I grabbed my dufflebag, my dress, and then my phone before heading downstairs. I said bye to Charlie, and then rushed out to Kim's car. After getting all of my stuff into the back seat, I hopped into the passenger seat and my best friend grinned at me as she began blaring one of our favorite songs and began singing as we headed towards La Push.

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