Chapter Six

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[May 14, 2005]

    School was finally out for the summer, and tonight I was finally going to that council meeting Paul invited me to at the beginning of last month. I was waiting on Paul and Jared to pick me up when Bella came down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" she asks, walking past me and looking through the fridge.

"To hang out with Paul," I reply, and she nods before closing the fridge and heading back to her room. Weird. Soon there was a honk out front, so I made sure I had my phone and keys before walking out to Jared's car. Paul steps out and envelops me in a hug as I reach him.

"Well hi to you too," I giggle as he kisses my cheek.

"Let's go, I can't wait for you to meet everyone," he grins, and I climb into the back seat as he climbs into the passenger seat.

"Hey Jared," I smile and give him a wave.

"Sup Kathy," Jared grins, reaching back to give me a fist bump. I'd only hung around Jared a few times, but he seemed genuine and was always nice to me. The drive to La Push went by fast, with the three of us all telling jokes and laughing the whole way. When we finally got to Billy's, there was a large group of people standing around a fire several yards from the house. Paul took my hand in his as the three of us made our way to the others. Nerves began building up in my stomach, and Paul seemed to notice as he gave my hand a comforting squeeze.

"Relax, everything will be okay," Paul reassures, and I give him a weak smile. Just as we reach the group, someone calls my name.

"Katherine, it's been a while," Billy calls, and Paul lets go of my hand and goes over to join Sam and Jared.

"Billy!" I grin, rushing over to hug him. Billy and I had an odd sort of bond that neither of us mentioned or questioned. We just went with it, and it was comforting to have another parental figure other than Uncle C.

"Are you dating that Lahote boy?" he teases, and my cheeks flush.

"He's not my boyfriend, if that's what your asking," I joke back, rolling my eyes at him. He chuckles and pats my arm, asking how school ended and if I was excited for next year. After a few minutes, he's pulled away by someone, so I walk over to join Paul and the other two.

"How's it goin' Kathy?" Sam asks with a smile. I'd hung out with him and Paul a few times, and he easily felt like an older, overprotective brother.

"Eh, it's goin'," I shrug, and we all talk about random things and planned out a beach day before there was a loud whistle and everyone began grabbing food to eat. It didn't take long for everyone to finish their food and then to cuddle up by the bonfire, waiting for Billy to begin talking. He talked of the early Quileute tribe years, how members of their tribe were slain by a stone man and of the first shape-shifting warriors; wolves. I listened to every word, my fingers tapping away on my thigh. Stone man, incredible strength and speed. My memories began flashing of Edward's weird actions, how he effortlessly removed the dent from Bella's truck. Vampires? That's impossible. And then I thought about the other side of the stories, the wolves, and I remembered the wolf I discovered in the woods months ago.

"Katherine," Paul says gently, and I was pulled back into reality. Everyone else except for Paul, Jared, Sam, and Billy had all left. I turn back to Paul, realizing he called me my real name; he hasn't done that since we met.

"What's going on?"

"I need to tell you something, and I want you to keep an open mind." I glance over to Billy, who nods at me with a soft smile.

"O-okay," I nod, fingers still drumming away on the side my knee.

"The legend you just heard Billy tell, is all true," he says cautiously, and all my thoughts came rushing back. Vampires, wolves, it was all real? That's insane.

"That's impossible," I shake my head, looking over to Sam and Jared, who stare at me intensely.

"It's not, Kathy, you know that," Billy tells me, and I look at him with tears in my eyes.

"It can't be, all of that it supposed to be made up,"

"What if I show you?" Paul asks, and I turn to him, eyes wide. Doubt fills my brain, and I shake my head again, standing up to pace. Anxiety builds up in my chest and my hands begin shaking.

"Kathy, you need to calm down, you're going to cause yourself to have a panic attack," Billy warns, and Paul shoots him a look.


"She can cause herself to have panic attacks, but th-," I can hear Billy begin to explain, but my ears begin ringing and I can't hear anything, and I feel like I can't catch my breath. Suddenly, warmth surrounds me and everything freezes. Paul starts whispering in my ear, telling me to breath and helping me calm down.

"Show me," I whisper, once I've calmed down and can think straight again. That's the only way I'll know for sure; I have to see it. Paul stands, and walks a few feet away before looking at me again. I glance over to Sam, Billy, and Jared, who all nod at me reassuringly. I look to Paul, and nod my head at him. One second, Paul was standing there, and a second later, his body was exploding in the air, and a giant grey wolf took his place...he was the size of a bear.

"Oh my god," I whisper, and then begin walking over to him. I was terrified, but I knew that Paul would keep me safe. I stop when I get a foot or two away from him, and he carefully steps forward before leaning down and resting his wolfy forehead against mine.

"This is so fucking crazy," I giggle, and Paul huffs back at me. Then, just as quickly as before, Paul was human again, and I let out a shriek and turned my back to him. He was naked! All the boys laughed as my cheeks flushed red, and I refused to look until I felt Paul's arms around me. I turn, and he's pulled shorts on. For the next hour, the three wolves and Billy answer any questions I had and explained more about their world, including the Cullen's. Everything made so much sense, and I was so angry at Bella for putting Charlie in danger. Paul and Sam are the one's to drive me home as Jared goes to run patrol.

    When I get up to my room, I shut and lock the door before pacing. This is all so insane, but it was all real. I wonder if that's why Bella has been so weird since her and Edward met. I changed into sweatpants and one of Uncle C's old police shirts before sitting on my bed. Vampires, werewolves, this is insane. Next thing I know, they'll tell me witches are real.




    I turn to my window, covered by curtains, but not missing several little 'taps' every few seconds. I cautiously get up, and when I peek out behind the curtains I see the side of Paul's head. Relief floods through me and I slide the curtain aside before opening the window.

"What are you doing?" I whisper-yell, although I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face. This boy was crazy.

"I wanted to talk to you," he whispers back, climbing into my room and setting himself in my reading chair and I sit crisscross on my bed.

"About?" and he just gives me a look, "I think it's ridiculous, but I can't deny the proof you've given me." He nods in understanding, and it's quiet for a moment.

"When did you-" and I trail off, not knowing how to put it.

"Sometime in the beginning of March, I'm not too sure. A lot of it got blacked out because I was so angry, and I don't even remember why. I've always had a bit of a temper, and I suppose this explains it," he begins, "I was completely alone. Roaming through the woods for hours before Sam found me and helped me. There's a lot of judgement that comes with this, everyone hates us; says Sam tricked us into using drugs or something."

"Don't listen to them, they don't know,"

"I know, but it doesn't make it any less difficult. I can't talk to any of my old friends. Sam and Jared are the only friends I have,"

"You've got me now, too."

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