Chapter Eight

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[August 13, 2005]

    It was Saturday, and school started on Monday for both Forks High and La Push High. I was in the car with Jared, Kim, and Paul on our way to Port Angeles to finish our back-to-school shopping. I'd already bought most of my school supplies, but Uncle C gave me some money to get whatever else I wanted, so it was going to be fun. We were all singing loudly to the music, Paul and I dancing around like idiots in the back seat while Kim was doing some disco moves up front in the passenger seat while Jared laughed at her. We got to the mall and the first place Kim dragged me to was Victoria's Secret. I blushed instantly, as Kim pulled me along to wherever it was she was going.

"Why are we in here?" I ask, feeling awkward. I'd never been in a store like this before.

"You've never been here before?"


"Okay, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna get your measurements, find you a couple of cute matching sets, and some cute pj's, and you'll be set. Plus, I've got a membership so we can get a good discount," she laughs and I find myself laughing with her and following her to find someone to take my measurements. Shopping with Kim was a lot of fun, and I now understood why all those teen movies showed this. I ended up picking out two matching underwear/bra sets, a dark green PJ set, and a dark orange set, and I even got some cute slippers. We left the store, giggling and talking about what we wanted our signature scent for this year to be when the boys ran into us.

"What'd ya get?" Jared asks, trying to peek into Kim's bags.

"I don't think so mister," Kim shoots out, slapping Jared's hand away. He holds his hands up in surrender and Paul chuckles at him. We move on to more stores where I find a ton of cute outfits, shoes, and even a perfume that Paul found that smelled amazing. After stuffing our faces with pretzels and lemonade from a random food stand, we were headed back towards Forks.

    We pulled into the driveway, Paul saying he'd come by later after patrol before I got out and headed up to my room to put away all of my things. After putting everything away, I finished taking all the tags and things off my school supplies and setting up my new bag how I wanted it. Yes, I may be a little OCD, but it worked and I was top of my class. Once my bag was all set, I cleaned my room and went and put my laundry in the wash. It may sound nerdy of me, but I was excited for school to start. I craved routine and normalcy in my now crazy life, and I was also excited to do more couple-y things with Paul that you could do at boring school events. I wanted to make as many normal memories as possible.

    Monday rolled around faster than I thought, and soon my alarm was blaring at five in the morning. I found it easy to get out of bed and start my day; mostly because Paul was going to stop by after patrol before he went home to get ready for school himself. After washing my face and finishing the rest of my morning routine, I got dressed and as I finished tying my converse, Paul came climbing in through my window; I'd gotten into a habit of leaving it open for him. He crossed the room and I walked into his arms for a hug. I pressed the side of my face to his chest, soaking up as much of his warmth as possible.

"You're always so warm, it's not fair," I joke, smiling at him as I pull away.

"Well it's a good thing I'll always be around to keep you warm then," he shoots back, and I roll my eyes playfully.

"My hero," I fake swoon, and he shoves me lightly.

"Are you nervous?" he asks, sitting on the edge of my bed and pulling me to stand between his legs.

"Kind of, I don't know," I sigh, resting my arms around his neck, "I don't really have friends there, so it's gonna suck without you guys."

"You said you had study hall after lunch right?" he asks, and I nod, "I could sneak off the rez and come see you for lunch and for study hall?"

"Paul, I don't want you ditching classes,"

"I won't be, I've got study hall after lunch, too, remember?"

"But won't you get in trouble if you get caught sneaking off campus and the rez?"

"Only if I get caught," he slyly grins, and a jolt of excitement coursed through me.

"Promise you won't get caught?"

"I'll do my absolute best," he replies, holding out a pinky to me. I bite my cheek, trying not to smile, but ultimately fail and grin while linking my pinky with his. He kisses my forehead and jumps out my window.

[September 13th, 2005]

    I was sitting in my room working on some homework when I heard the front door close. I got up, walking to my door, and look around the corner to see Bella coming up the stairs; a large bandage covering her bicep.

"What happened?" I ask, walking out and following her into her room.


"That's not nothing, Bella. You can't keep lying to everyone," I snap, and she turns to look at me blankly.

"I went over to Edward's to celebrate my birthday, I got a papercut opening a gift, Jasper lost control, and in an attempt to push me back, Edward threw me into a table, I broke some glass and cut my arm," she says plainly, and then goes about putting things away and grabbing some clothes to change into.

"So you know, I know they're vampires?"

"Edward read your mind," she reveals, and shock, embarrassment, and anger were only a few of the emotions I was feeling.

"He can read minds?"

"Yeah, that's what I just said,"

"Yeah? Well, tell Edward that if he doesn't stop reading my mind immediately, I'll tell Charlie he sneaks in through your window," I reply, smirking at her shocked reaction. I turn and go back to my room, closing and locking the door behind me.

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