Chapter Fifteen

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[May 18th, 2006]

    Somehow, Edward convinced Uncle Charlie to let him take Bella to see her mom in Florida. We hadn't spoken a word to each other since she shoved me off the cliff, and I didn't plan on speaking to her any time soon. I was spending every moment I could away from the house, and Charlie couldn't figure out what was going on. I was either at Paul's, Kim's, or Sam and Emily's, and the only time I came home was to sleep. Which is what I was doing the next night when my phone began ringing. I jolted awake, rubbing my eyes as I fumbled for my phone. 

"Hello?" I rasp into the phone, coughing to clear my throat. 

"Kat? It's Jared, I need you to come to Sam's," Jared rushes out and tries explaining, but it doesn't make any sense, so I hang up, pull on some sweats and a hoodie over my PJs, and shove my feet into my converse before quietly sneaking out of the house and heading to Sam's. When I got out of my Jeep, I could see Paul, Embry, and Sam's wolves pacing around each other in the distance as Jared came running up to me.

"Paul and Emmett got into it while we were chasing Victoria. Emmett almost crossed onto our territory," Jared explained as we started walking towards the wolves. Paul snapped at Embry, his whole body vibrating with rage.

"Paul Lahote!" I shout, and he immediately freezes, and he turns himself to face me, his head hung low. Embry and Sam disappear into the woods as Paul walks closer. I didn't say anything as he pressed his head to my chest, my hands reaching up to scratch the top of his head and behind his ears. He waits a few minutes before backing up and disappearing into the woods. I noticed that the other three boys had completely disappeared and left Paul and I alone. I felt arms wrap around me from behind, and Paul pressed his face into my shoulder. 

"I'm sorry," he whispers, and I turn in his arms to face him, wrapping my arms around his waist. 

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to," and his head lowers slightly.

"I'll apologize to them tomorrow,"

"I don't blame you for getting angry with Emmett. He almost broke the treaty, and you ensured that didn't happen. But you shouldn't take your anger out on your brothers,"

"I know," he nods and follows me back to my car. Where we sneak back into Uncle C's house and go to sleep.

    The following week, as I parked my Jeep at Forks High, I saw Jacob talking to Bella, and a sulking Edward stood a few feet away. As I walked to the entrance, I couldn't help but glance back and see Bella ride off with Jacob on his motorcycle, and I huff before heading inside. She's going to get them killed if she doesn't stop stringing Jacob along like she does. Thankful the day went by quickly, I found myself driving to Paul's house, and I couldn't get out of my jeep fast enough as he walked to greet me. I hugged him tight while he swayed side-to-side gently.

"Is everything okay?" he asks, using his finger to tilt my chin so I'm looking up at him. 

"I saw Bella ride off with Jacob on his motorcycle at school this morning," I confess, stress and worry evident on my face as Paul sighs. Sure, Jacob and I didn't get along, but he was part of the pack.

"I'll let Sam know," he replies, kissing my forehead before we turn and head into his house. We go about our usual routine, grabbing a snack before heading to his room to do some homework. After about an hour, Paul and I both gave up and ended up cuddling on his bed and talking about whatever came to mind. It had been silent for a few minutes, the only sound being Paul's beating heart as I rested my head on his chest.

"Hey, Kit Kat?" Paul asks, and I look up at him curiously. I hum, letting him know I was listening as he appeared to try to figure out what to say. I began to worry as his brows pulled together, and he had a look of worry on his face. Reaching up, I rest my hand on his cheek, and he immediately leans into it.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me," and his eyes dart to lock onto mine. He studied me for a moment before leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine. My heart skipped a beat as I kissed back. Sure, this wasn't my first time kissing Paul, but all of the others were short and quick. This felt different. Paul reached up, cupping my cheek in his hand while the other rested on my waist, our lips moving together awkwardly as we tried to find a good rhythm. Suddenly, Paul sits up and pulls me towards him by my hips, so I'm straddling his lap and reattached his lips to mine. 

    This time, our lips moved together perfectly as he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pressed his chest to mine, his tongue running along my lower lip. Feeling brave, I part my lips, allowing our tongues to meet one another and explore uncharted territory. I let my fingers tug lightly on Paul's hair, and he pushes me backward, so I'm laying on his bed with him on top of me. Nerves wracked my body, but I knew Paul would never do something I was uncomfortable with, so I trusted him as he pressed his body against mine. Needing air, Paul broke the kiss and then kissed the corner of my mouth, my chin, and all along my jaw. 

    He soon reached my neck, where he continued his escapade of kisses until I let out a gasp as he kissed a lower part of my neck. He kissed it again and again, and shivers caused goosebumps to cover my arms. Paul kissed the spot again and then gently sucked my skin into his mouth. 

"Paul," I gasped, my back arching involuntarily as he sucked on my tender flesh. I close my eyes, overwhelmed by everything I was experiencing for the first time. Paul finally releases me, kissing his way back to my lips as he rolls onto his side so he isn't on top of me any longer. I wanted to do to Paul what he did to me, just to see if he reacted the same, but I was nervous. After another kiss or two, I move to kiss Paul's cheek and his jaw, below his ear, and then begin down his neck. I leave one hand in Paul's hair while the other wraps around his torso to pull him closer. As soon as I reach the middle of his neck, placing a kiss there, Paul inhales deeply. 

    I kiss the same spot again, and he again takes in a deep breath. Copying Paul's earlier movements, I place a few more kisses in that spot, his grip on my waist tightening each time before I dart my tongue out and glide it along his neck. A low moan escapes from him, and I blush, continuing my meticulous movements. After kissing his neck one more time, I pulled his damp skin into my mouth, sucking on it and causing Paul to press himself into me further. After a minute or two, I release Paul, a deep purple bruise apparent on his neck as he leans in to kiss me again before resting his forehead against mine.

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