Chapter Thirteen

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    I had school the next two days while the boys stayed with Jacob to talk to him about the new world he was apart of. Billy talked to Bella this morning and told her that Jacob was sick and couldn't talk. That made her really mad. She stomped around the house the rest of the morning before leaving for school. For the next week after that she continued calling Jacob, only to be told by Billy he couldn't come to the phone. Jacob was pissed he couldn't talk to Bella, and got even angrier when Sam alpha ordered him not to tell her any of their secrets. I just had a bad feeling Jacob was going to ignore Sam. Bella and Jacob were driving everyone in the pack, as well as Kim and I, insane. Paul and him kept getting into fights because he kept trying to get me to talk to Bella. Jacob had always been Bella's friend, and his crush for the longest time, I wasn't going to tell her anything. 

    I was sitting at the table with Charlie and Harry when Bella came flying in through the front door. Charlie asked her what was wrong and she started screaming about wolves and how they were chasing something. My heart skipped a beat; Paul. As casually as I could, I glance over at Harry, who gently nods at me as he and Charlie get up to do whatever it was they were doing. Bella was too focused on them to notice me slip out of the room and head up to my room, locking the door behind me as I called Paul. When I didn't get an answer, I knew. I step out of my door, and right as Harry was about to follow Charlie out the front door, he looked up at me, and I nodded to him; confirming our suspicion that it was our boys. 

"Be safe," I call, to which Harry says they will and shuts the front door, leaving Bella and I alone. She turns and marches up the stairs before getting in my face. 

"I don't know what Sam and Paul are doing to Jake, but they better knock it off," she growls out, and I take a step back, hardening my face with frustration.

"They're not doing anything to him, Jacob's just being an ass," I reply, because it was the truth. Jacob was being an ass, and everyone knew it. Just because he couldn't have his precious little Bella. 

"Whatever," and she storms into her room, slamming the door behind her. 

[March 11th, 2006]

    It was later in the afternoon, and I was lounging on my bed waiting for Paul to get finished with some pack stuff. I had just finished a chapter in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, I wanted to re-read it again, when Bella opened my door and walked in. I sit up, looking at her confused.

"Get up, you're coming with me somewhere," she says, pulling out my desk chair and sitting on it.


"Because I don't want to go alone, and you already know about them," she mutters, kicking the carpet with the toe of her converse. 

"Know what?" I ask, knowing in my gut what she's about to say.

"About the wolves. That's how you know about vampires, right? You should've told me," 

"It's not my secret to tell," I reply, and she looks at me blankly before sighing. 

"So are you coming or not?" She huffs out, and I roll my eyes before slipping on my shoes and one of Paul's hoodies before following her out to the truck. I check my phone, still seeing no message from Paul. I had a bad feeling about this.

    When we pulled into Jacob's driveway, Bella hastily got out of the truck. She marched straight to the door and knocked on it. Billy answered, telling Bella that Jacob wasn't available, but she shoved right past him. He looked at me, and I just shrugged sadly at him. Then I heard some of the boys wolf calls. I look out across Billy's back yard and just barely make out Sam, Embry, Jared, and Paul. I smile a little, and then Bella marches out the front door and starts heading in the boys' direction. 

"Bella, don't," I call after her, jogging to catch up. 

"What did you do to him?"

"What did we do? What did you do? What'd he tell you?" Paul asks, starting to shake with anger. I jumped between them, not wanting anything to happen to Paul. 

"Nothing, he tells me nothing because he's scared of you,"

"Bella. Stop," and then she shoves me straight into Paul, who then gently passes me to Embry as he shakes with anger; and then he shifts. Bella falls backward onto the ground before turning and sprinting away, yelling at Jacob as he charges across the back yard. Another wolf shift later, Paul and Jacob are biting and scratching away at one another as they disappear into the trees. 

"Guess the wolf's out of the bag," someone jokes, and all I can do is glare at Bella as Jared and Embry drive us to Sam and Emily's house. When we get there, the boys holler out letting Emily know we're here, and as I hop out of the bed of the truck, Bella sticks her head out the window asking about Jacob. I scoff at her and then make my way inside. 

"Hey Em," I greet as I walk into the kitchen. 

"Hey Kathy, everything okay?" she asks, and I just give her a shrug. I sit in the chair Paul usually sits in as Emily hands the others a muffin. 

"Who's this?" Emily asks, and I hide my smirk behind my muffin since she knew exactly who Bella was. I tune them out mostly, only rolling my eyes as Bella calls Emily 'the wolf girl'. Soon Sam walks in, greeting Emily, and then I see Paul walking up, and I noticed Bella watching. A grin immediately falls onto my face as he walks inside, easily lifting me from his chair and taking a bite of my muffin as he sits down.

"Hey! Get your own," I laugh, smacking him lightly in the chest as he kisses my cheek. Then Jacob whisks her away, and I let go of a sigh, fully relaxing into my boyfriend.

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