Chapter Three

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[February 3, 2005]

    Jacob and I sat at his kitchen table, geometry notes and practice questions scattered the table as I helped him study for his test. Jacob was finally getting the hang of it when his front door burst open and Embry Call and Quil Atera came in. There was a lot of shouting and a video game was being passed around before the front door slammed and I was left alone in the kitchen. I tried calling Charlie and Bella, but neither of them answered. Twenty minutes later, all of Jacob's homework was stacked neatly in the middle of the table, then front door opened again and Billy came in followed by Sam.

"Kathy? Where's Jacob?" Billy asks, rolling his wheelchair to face me.

"I don't know. Embry and Quil came in and then they all left. I tried called Uncle C or Bella, but they didn't answer,"

"I can give her a ride," Sam speaks up, shrugging his shoulders as Billy and I look over at him. I find myself shrugging and grabbing my bag before we bid goodbye to Billy and head out to his jeep. As we begin our journey to Forks, Sam begins talking about baseball and I easily keep up the conversation after watching so many games with Charlie. As Sam pulls up to the curb, I see that both Charlie and Bella aren't home yet. We say bye and part ways before I head inside and lock the door before heading up to my room. After shutting the door, I collapse onto my bed before turning on the T.V.

    It was now Sunday evening, and I was over at Jacob's house again, helping him finish studying for his test tomorrow. We'd been working for two hours and Jacob had all but four practice questions done and had gotten them all right. Billy sat in the living room while we worked, and then Jacob's phone went off. And then it went off again, and again until he stopped working and grabbed his phone. I looked up from my own homework, catching a grin spreading across his face before he yells to Billy that he's leaving and slams the front door shut behind him.

"What am I gonna do with that boy," I hear Billy tell himself before I stand and organize all of Jacob's schoolwork.

"He only has three and a half left. I left the correct answers to those on the counter so he can finish whenever he gets home," I tell Billy as he rolls into the kitchen while I zip up my bookbag.

"I'm sorry about him Kathy," Billy tries to apologize

"It's not your fault Uncle Billy," I reassure him, giving him a smile as he sighs heavily.

[February 18, 2005]

    I hear the front door slam, and footsteps came stomping up the stairs. I glance away from my history study guide and to my door where Bella appears.

"Where were you? I waited for like half an hour," she asks, anger clear in her tone as she waves her arms around wildly.

"I waited for you for an hour, and then decided to walk home. It's cool that you're dating the Edward Cullen now, but if you're going to run late, at least tell me ahead of time so I can catch the bus," I reply, equally annoyed at her. She's been ditching me a lot lately, causing me to walk home almost every day after school for the past week.

"Well how am I supposed to know? It just happens. Edward's going to drive me from now on anyway, so you'll have to take the bus," she all but boasts before spinning and stomping off to her room; slamming the door shut behind her. What the hell was her problem? Deciding to get some fresh air, I shoved my shoes on and pulled on my coat before heading off into the woods. I wasn't sure how far I walked, but I eventually came across a small clearing with a tree laying through the middle. I walked over, climbing up the roots to sit on the base of the tree. I roll my eyes as I run my fingers along the ridges in the bark. It's not my fault she runs off with Edward and forgets about me.

"Katherine?" a voice rings out from the silence, and I jerk my head up to see Sam Uley across the clearing. That's not creepy.

"Hey," I give a half-hearted wave as he walks closer to where I'm sitting.

"You okay?"

"I had a stupid argument with my cousin and just ended up here," I shrug

"It is a good place to think, that's why I like coming here," he replies, leaning against the tree.

"How long have you known about this place?" I ask, and emotions flash through his eyes quickly.

"A while," is his reply, and I decide to leave it at that.

"So what'd your cousin do?"

"She has a new boyfriend and keeps forgetting about me and making me walk home," I confess, rolling my eyes at how stupid it sounds out loud.

"That must be annoying," He chuckles, causing me to laugh.

"It is! I mean not everything has to revolve around Edward freaking Cullen," I groan with a laugh, but I froze when I saw the way Sam stiffened.

"Bella's dating Edward Cullen?" he asks, and I nod back at him. It was quiet, and I started tapping my leg anxiously.

"Let me walk you home, it's getting late," he says suddenly, and I nod absentmindedly before climbing down off the tree. Sam and I walk in a comfortable silence, talking about random things here and there until we break through the tree line across from my house.

"Thanks for walking me back," I tell him, giving him a smile. Just as I was about to cross the street he stops me and asks me for my phone. I hesitate before handing it to him.

"I added mine and Jared's numbers into your phone; in case you ever need a ride," he explains, and I thank him again before crossing the street and entering my house.


    The next day, Charlie and Bella were both gone, so Katherine decided to go on a walk through the woods. It was starting to warm up slightly, so she tugged on a hoodie and her shoes and headed off. When she came across the clearing from yesterday, she walked through it and continued further into the woods. They've always felt like home to her and she ventured into them whenever she got the chance. As Katherine stepped over a large root in the ground on the path she was walking along, she could hear something moving a few feet away from her. Katherine froze, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried guessing what could possibly be near her. Paul was only trudging along in his wolf form, walking off his anger after a fight with his father. Cautiously taking another few steps forward, Katherine stepped out from behind a tree and gasped when she saw him.

    There, standing only a few feet from her, was a large, beautiful grey colored wolf. This things was the size of a bear, and Katherine stepped backwards, tripping over her feet and falling onto her butt. Paul heard the noise and flicked his head in her direction. His brown eyes locking with hers, and his whole world stopped. Katherine's heart raced as she held the wolf's gaze, but all Paul could feel was how his whole world was spinning. Paul watched as his surroundings faded away, and he could see flash images of him with this mystery girl, cuddling and laughing, going on dates, being happy. When Paul returned to his own brain, he took a step back, confusion coursing through him. He focused on her again, only to see that she was standing only a few steps from him now.

"Hi there," Katherine spoke softly, gazing at the wolf in amazement. Paul stood still, not wanting to scare his imprint. All the while his two pack brothers were in his head trying to get him to answer and find out where he was. But as Katherine finally let her fingers travel through is fur, a warmth filled his chest he hadn't felt before. He gazed at his imprint, finding her stunning and wanting to know everything about her. Paul snapped back to reality when he heard Jared and Sam getting close. He quickly nudged Katherine back the way she came before turning and heading towards his brothers; hoping she would make it home safe.

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