Chapter Two

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[January 18, 2005]

    The sound of my alarm filled my room, and I rolled over to turn it off. I'd set it for thirty minutes earlier than normal, it now going off at 5:30 to give me plenty of time to get ready now that there were three of us in the house. I pulled myself out of bed, stretching and doing a quick yoga session before going into the bathroom and washing my face. It didn't take me long to finish up in the bathroom, and when I exited, Uncle Charlie was walking towards it. We exchanged quick 'mornings' before I reentered my room. After getting dressed and packing up my bag, I headed downstairs to make coffee.

"Billy and Jacob are coming to deliver Bella's truck this morning. Maybe you could start riding with her instead of the bus?" Charlie suggests, a hopeful tone in his voice as he takes my place in front of the coffee pot.

"Sure, I'll ask. Would be nice not having to take the bus," I reply, and I see his shoulders sag with relief.

"Only until you get your license," he reassures, and I just give him a smile. Seeming pleased with the conversation, Charlie nods and walks off to gather the rest of his gear. I finished my coffee, rinsing the mug out as I hear someone walk into the kitchen behind me. I glance over my shoulder to see Bella, who looked lost.

"Coffee pot is just to your right if you want some. It's fresh,"



    When Bella pulled into the parking lot of Forks High School, I wasted no time in hopping out of the truck. It was nice, just not really my style, and it was very loud. After escorting Bella to the office, I headed off to my locker. My mind was clouded with random things such as homework, dinner, and tutoring at the library as I swapped out my books before heading to my first class.

    The day went by fast, and I was now waiting by Bella's truck re-reading 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' since a new book was being released in a few months. I glance up when I see someone walking over, only to see Bella looking frustrated and confused. I secured my bookmark before climbing into her truck.

"So, how was your first day?" I ask, trying to break the tension. She shoots me a sideways glare, so I turned my head and looked out the window as we drove home.


    The next day after school, Bella seemed even more annoyed than the day before. I wanted to ask her about it, but she didn't seem to be in the mood for talking. She locked herself in her room when we got home, and I let her be. I went in my room to finish up some last minute things before moving to lounge in the chair by my window to continue reading my book. Around five, I reluctantly left the security of my room, pulling a hoodie over my head as I headed downstairs to make dinner. I settled on something easy, so I fixed chicken noodle soup, and turned on a random show as I sat on the couch waiting for it to be ready. Charlie came home right as the soup finished, and as I was putting everything on the dining room table, he walked over and began helping me.

"How was school?"

"Oh, ya know. Same things, different day,"

"Yeah? Talked to Jacob lately?" he asks, and I look over at him.

"No, not since last weekend. Why?"

"Billy said he's been having some trouble in a few of his classes and he told Jacob to ask you for some help; he'd pay you of course," Charlie explains.

"He hasn't said a word," I reply, a sly grin on my face as Charlie chuckles. Jacob was notorious for not doing what his dad told him to do. Despite the fact that Jacob respected his father, he didn't listen to him when it came to girls or homework.

"I'll let Billy know," he replies, and I just nod in response.

[January 22, 2005]

"Thanks Uncle C," I wave as he backed out of Billy's driveway. Jacob asked me, or was told to ask, for help with his geometry homework since he had fallen behind so I agreed to come over to help him catch up. I walk over to the front door and knock before walking inside. This kind of became a second home for me when I first moved in with Charlie. Rather than hire a babysitter, he had Billy watch me until I turned fifteen.

"Billy, it's Kathy," I announce, shutting the door behind me. I took off my coat and shoes before walking out into the main living area and see Billy with two other guys I hadn't seen before. They looked to be a year or two older than I was, and had the same russet skin tone as Billy and Jacob.

"Katherine," Billy smiles, motioning me towards him. I walk over, leaning down to give him a hug. When he pulls away, he turns to look at the two teen boys, "this is Sam Uley." He says, gesturing to the taller of the two boys, who sported short black hair and brown eyes.

"And this is Jared Cameron," he continues, motioning to the other boy who had matching brown hair and eyes. I introduced myself, making small talk before excusing myself to find Jacob.

[January 25, 2005]

    I stood next to Bella's truck as I waited on her to get here. It was freezing out today, and I had my hands shoved in my pockets rather than reading. I heard a thump from behind me and I turned to see Bella fishing through her bag for her keys. She pulled them out, and then went to unlock the truck when the sound of tires sliding across wet pavement filled the parking lot. I look around, only to see a van headed straight for Bella.

"Bella!" I gasp, and then the truck shook violently as the van came to a halt. What the hell? I rush around the truck, seeing Bella and Edward staring at each other before he hops up and rushes off as everyone comes over to help. I look around for Edward once the paramedics and police got here, but he was nowhere to be seen. As the ambulance pulled away, I pulled out my phone to call Charlie.

"Kathy? What's going on at the school?" he asks immediately after answering the phone.

"Uncle C, something happened to Bella,"

"What do you mean something happened to Bella?" he asks as every began finally leaving the school.

"Some guy almost hit her with his van. They're taking her to the hospital in an ambulance," I tell him, and all I hear is a quick 'thanks' before hanging up. I glance around, sighing as I find the parking lot empty, and frown before tugging on my bookbag and beginning my walk home.

    A few days later, I sat on the tailgate of Bella's truck. School had been over for almost an hour and she still hadn't shown up. Giving up, I hop off the tailgate and pull my bag onto my shoulders as I begin walking home for the second time this week. I was only a block away from the school when a Jeep came to a stop next to me. I glanced over, and with the window rolled down I saw it was Sam Uley.

"Hey, Katherine, right? Do you need a ride?" he asks, and my first instinct was to tell him 'no', but I gave it a second thought and if Billy could trust him then so could I.

"Sure, that'd be great. Thanks," I smile, opening the door and hopping inside. Once I shut the door, he pressed on the gas and headed off as I gave him directions to my house. It wasn't awkward like I thought it'd be, and the atmosphere was comfortable. When he pulled into my driveway, I hopped out of the jeep and turned to him.

"Thanks again, Sam," I wave, earning a wave back, and I shut the door before heading inside. Later that evening, Bella still wasn't home when Charlie got there.

"Where's Bella?" he asks as he walks back down the stairs.

"I don't know. I waited for her for an hour after school before deciding to walk home, and then Sam Uley offered me a ride," I explain and he gives me a look, "he's friends with Billy." Charlie nods, and I grab a snack before heading upstairs while dinner was in the oven.


PSA: I know I probably don't have to say this, but please don't get into a strangers car. Even if they are good looking.

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