Chapter Ten

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[October 8th, 2005]

    I lay across Paul's bed, my Biology textbook open on my left with my homework in front of me as I looked for the answers to the questions in my textbook. Paul was sitting at his desk while he worked on stuff for his history class. Paul had his window cracked open, so there was a nice breeze going, and Paul had some instrumental music playing in the background. I almost forgot that my life wasn't normal until an alarm on Paul's phone went off, and we got up to get ourselves ready for the bonfire. After packing everything up, Paul and I headed outside and headed into the woods. 

"Are you sure about this?" I ask as my back is turned, and Paul strips from his clothes behind me. 

"Of course I am. Besides, you'll love it," he replies, and I just know he's grinning behind me. I didn't know why we couldn't just have Jared or someone else pick us up, but Paul insisted on taking me...on his wolf. Sure, I'd seen Paul's wolf plenty of times by now, but he'd never carried me on his back before; this was new for the both of us. Only a few short seconds later did I heard loud thumps on the ground. I turned around, and there stood Paul in all his wolfy glory. 

"Aw, you folded your clothes," I tease, leaning down to pick them up, only to have him nudge me with his nose and knock me onto my ass. I look up at him, but his tongue just hangs out the side of his mouth like a puppy. I roll my eyes, standing up and looking to see him hunched down on all fours. I walk over and place my hands behind his ears and begin scratching. He groans at me, leaning into my hand before pushing me closer to his back.

"Okay, okay, sheesh," I mutter as I carefully swing a leg over his back. Before I even had time to adjust, Paul was standing, and I had to grip onto his fur so I didn't fall off. He took it slow at first and then started jogging through the woods. A large smile fell onto my face as I watched the trees go by. This is all so crazy. After what felt like a few short minutes, Paul came to a stop and lowered himself so I could get off his back. I immediately turned around, his clothes sitting on a nearby rock.

"Ready?" Paul's voice calls to me. 

"Yes, I'm starving," 

"Me too," he jokes, grabbing one of my hands and lacing our fingers together as we head out of the woods and towards the bonfire. 

    Once I got home that night, Charlie was sitting on the sofa, a beer in his hand. I set my bookbag by the stairs, tossing my jacket on top before walking over and sitting down next to my uncle. He didn't say much, but that was normal for him. I forced myself to stay with him for ten minutes before saying goodnight and going into my room. I drop my bag onto my desk chair and change before collapsing onto my bed. 

~ ~ ~ ~

    I woke up again to Bella screaming, and I knew it was my turn to check on her. I shuffle out of bed and make my way to her room, gently shaking her until she wakes up. She apologizes, and I reassure her everything's okay, but when I go to leave, she stops me.

"Can you stay with me?" I leave the door cracked open, turning and crawling into her bed with her. She snuggled into my side like a little kid, resting her head on my shoulder while she gripped my hand for dear life.

"What's going on, Bells?" I whisper, resting my cheek on her head and glancing out the window. 

"They're memories, memory specifically,"


"Do you remember when Edward took me to play baseball with his family?"


"Well, while we were playing, some other vampires showed up. One of them picked up on my scent," she trails off, and I stay silent waiting for her to continue, and when she did, I was shocked. How did all of this happen, and I'm just now finding out about it? She finishes her story, and then, within seconds, she's fast asleep again. I retreat back to my room, pacing and trying to think of what to do. She said they killed James but made no mention about killing Victoria or Laurent, so were they still out there? I grabbed my cell off the charger and called the only person I knew I could rely on.

"Kit Kat? Is everything okay?" Paul asks groggily as he answers the phone.

"I'm okay, and I'm really sorry for waking you, but I just found out a lot of stuff and really need someone to talk to,"

"Deep breaths, I'm already on my way. I'll be there soon," and he hangs up. I walk over and unlock the window, cracking it open as I sit back in my bed - waiting. Fifteen minutes later, Paul was sliding my window open and coming inside. I'd stood up to greet him, and he pulled me into his arms and held me tight.

"Are you okay?" he asks, pulling back to look me over.

"I'm okay, it was something Bella told me," and then we sat on my bed as I told him the story Bella told me.

"I know she said he was friendly, but I don't trust him, or any of them," I sigh, running a hand through my hair. 

"You shouldn't trust them. They're dangerous. The only reason we let them stay around was because of the treaty. The only reason I'm able to be here right now is because they left,"

"The treaty your ancestors made with the Cullen's? Why would that stop you from being here?"

"Forks is leech territory. We're not allowed to be here at the same time as them, which is why I always had to leave when Edward showed up," he grumbles lowly, and I recall all the times he's left because Edward decided to sneak in through Bella's window. Then Bella started screaming again. I rushed to my door and locked it as I heard Charlie open Bella's door. 

"That's what she sounds like? I thought you were kidding," 

"I wish," I mumble, walking back to the bed and laying on it. A yawn escapes me, and Paul leans over to brush some hair out of my face. 

"You should get some sleep, it's almost four," he tells me, and I groan at the fact that my alarm will be going off in an hour. Then guilt hit me when I realized Paul would have to leave for Patrol soon. 

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry. I forgot you had patrol this morning. I thought it was Jared's turn," I facepalm, and he laughs softly. 

"I'll be okay, by the sounds of it, you don't get much sleep either," he whispers, and then startles me by sliding under my covers and pulling me to his side. My body was tense, but I slowly relaxed and allowed Paul to wrap an arm around me so my head rested on his shoulder. As awkward as I felt, I also felt calm and safe, which led to me falling asleep snuggled against Paul's side.

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