Chapter 1: So It Begins

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(Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with K/DA, any of the music or lyrics I post, or any of the art.  All credit to the respective artists and owners.)

Evil is not born. It is taught.

(Y/N) POV:


Music can be so many things.  It can be what brings people together, what builds them up, what makes them laugh, smile, or love... or it can be what tears people apart, breaks them down inside, and what makes them cry, weep in despair.  My path through music and my emotions is one that I never dreamed I'd undertake, but... here I am. 




But after so long, after so much work, finally, FINALLY, I am set on my path.  My rebirth is imminent.  Huh?  Oh yeah, I should probably introduce myself and explain what's going, right?  Well, here.

My name is Y/N L/N. 

And this is how I got my revenge.

~Line Break~

It all started a long time ago... in a galaxy far, far, away.

Nah, who am I kidding, this ain't Star Wars. 

I was an only child born to my parents outside Seattle.  Lets just say it didn't take kid me very long to figure out that they weren't the best of people.  We weren't dead broke, but we were poor.  I got my first guitar as a hand-me-down from my mom... probably one of the only good things she ever really did for me.  I had to restring it and eventually sell it to buy a new one since I found out I'm left-handed.  She was the 'artist' of the family, and taught me how to draw, sing, and the aforementioned guitar when I was younger.  At least... whenever she wasn't too fucked up from all the shit drugs she used to do.  She dealt with depression in the worst way possible, and we suffered for it. 

My dad was a car mechanic who struggled with putting food on the table and keeping my mother alive.  He was proud... angry... and always tired.  Like he was Atlas supporting the weight of the world.  They both fought nonstop, violently on a few occasions, but nothing ever changed.  He was a decent guy and he tried his best, and he made me as self-sufficient as possible so that I could survive if anything went bad.  And right around the time I was finishing high school.... everything went bad.

Like really bad.  I'm talking "if this shit goes any further south we're gonna be in Mexico" kinda bad.  But, I digress.

My mom had been in rehab for most of my senior year, finally deciding to try and fix herself.  My dad had been working up a storm to pay for it while trying to put stuff aside to help my music career out.  I knew college was never really an option, so I figured I'd work and just throw all the money into food and music.  I turned 18 in the winter, and then right before graduation my mom was supposed to be released from the facility.

My parents died in a car accident leaving the facility.  Well... my mom died on impact.  My father made it to the hospital and hung on so the cops could get me there.  He had some nurse write down some instructions and managed to gasp out an 'I love you, son' as he handed me his ring before he died.

He was nothing if not smart.  He left the house, his old storage unit, all of my mom's crap, anything he could think of in my name.  I sold all of my mom's artsy stuff, their clothes, the house, and all of the stuff in the storage unit to land a small apartment in Seattle over a bar I had been working at since I left high school.  I kept his only suit, his ring, my lefty guitar, and my board. 

It's been about four years since then. 

I still live above the bar.  I work the same job, and it pays pretty good.  The owner was a friend of my dad's, and he started doing open mic nights right before they died as a favor.  I don't go to school, and in my spare time I write.  Before they had died, I was doing songwriting, and I had most of the parts musically in my head for songs I wanted to play.  I never got a chance to look into recording anything or actually putting anything out until pretty recently.  I got discovered playing one night by some low level agent to a rock label, and I had a meeting with him at the bar tonight.  Which brings us tooooo right about now, which is me getting ready to go to the bar.

Huh? What's up? Ohh I get it, you wanna know why I want revenge on most of K/DA.  Yeah, I guess I'd wonder that too.  I don't like reliving those memories so I'll keep it short:

They broke me.  Individually, of course, and there is that one chick who I don't really know.  But they all left.

Abandoned me.  Right when I needed them.  And they took a little piece of me with them that finally died with my parents. 

And now?  This is what remains.  Me and my music. 

And I'll be damned if I let anyone take that from me.  

*Sigh* Think that about does it.  Lets go meet this agent guy, yeah?

(A/N: Alright, there we go chapter 1 is up.  Now I will be attempting to write this as I continue my other story about Invincible so bear with me folks. This one is one I've had an idea for since I heard about K/DA a few years back, lemme know in the comments how I'm doing.)

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