Chapter 6: A Chance Run-In

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(Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with K/DA, any of the music or lyrics I post, or any of the art. All credit to the respective artists and owners. Please do not copyright me!)

Akali POV from before the previous chapter:

Ugh, LA is sooo boring.  We had come here after the tour to get away from the media and New York traffic to relax by the beach.  I'm glad we finally get to stop working and traveling, and that everyone has a chance to recharge and regroup after the stress of the last album.  But I feel like we haven't done anything fun at all since we landed!  All Ahri and Eve wanna do is shop and wave for the cameras, and Kai'sa is happy with just her usual cooking, dancing, and relaxing by the pool.  I've barely gone out and done my usual graffiti or ridden my Ducati because the better one is in New York.

Uuuugh.  Malibu can be great, but exciting?  Pffft, nope.

This is such a drag, right?


Fuck it, I'm changing this up right now.  Its getting later outside, Eve is out at some high class bar, Ahri is on the phone with the label, and Kai is just watching a movie.  I'm going out for a joyride before I die of boredom.  "Kai!  I'm headed out for a ride, tell Ahri I'll be back later!  Don't wait up!!!" I said.  Before I even heard an acknowledgement that she heard me, I was already grabbing my keys and running out the door.  My bike here was still a Ducati, but it wasn't the same color or modded the same as the one in NYC.  Still, it'll work for tonight.  

The game plan for tonight?  Park the bike downtown, hit some parkour and some ninja shit, and paint the town neon.  Oooh yeeahh, go time!!!


3rd Person POV:

Akali had been blasting around the town for a few hours.  Between high speed maneuvers through traffic on her bike and random stop offs for graffiti, she'd been having a time of it in LA.  Right about now, Akali was down an alleyway near an old bar called Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.  Her bike was parked as inconspicuously as possible a few blocks down so as to avoid suspicion.  She didn't know much about the bar but didn't see any cops and figured they wouldn't give her too much grief for using their alley as her canvas.  She'd been wrapping up a huge mural of a dragon when the paint can had been ripped out of her hand.

"Hey!  The fuck!?" She yelled as she turned.  To her right and left was a small group of older bikers, one of whom was holding the can he grabbed and another holding her entire bag of spray paint.  They were looking at her with various degrees of expression, from smirking to looking pissed off.  Akali also noticed the two who held onto her stuff were clearly drunk off their ass, although why they decided to pick a fight with her she didn't know.  The lead one spoke first.

"Whatchu think you doing to our wall?" Biker #1 asked, his words slurred.  Before Akali could get a word out, the one holding her bag spoke.  

"This here's our territory, and yer trespassin on our turf sweetheart," Biker #2 said.  "Better get going before we get angry."  

Akali scoffed at that.  "Really?  I didn't see anybody's name on the wall, you drunk assholes.  And even if I did, my art is a definite improvement on whatever shithole part of the city we're standing in," she fired back.  

At that, the bikers began to crowd closer to Akali, forcing her back towards the wall she had just been graffitiing.  The glares sent her way intensified as the head biker goon spoke again.

"That shithole part of the city happens to be our part of the city, little girl.  And now that you ruined it with yer paint, ya gotta clean it up.  Or, maybe ya'd rather clean us up instead, hmm?" Biker #1 spoke as he sent a lewd look her way.  He made to get closer to Akali but she acted quickly.

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