Chapter 7: Let's Rock

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(Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with K/DA, any of the music or lyrics I post, or any of the art. All credit to the respective artists and owners. Please do not copyright me!)

~Y/N POV next morning:~

*Groan* Oh man, never again. Why I let Jinx talk me into doing any of that stuff after leaving the bar last night I'll never know. Oh there's my headache, owww. Fuck. Man, what else happened last night? Let's see, met Jinx and Abraham... bar scene... motor gang... Kali-- oh.

Oh shit. Oh my shit I was at their mansion. THEIR mansion.

Wait. Kali? Why the hell did I call her that? Am I... am I really... do I really... like her?


No way.

"Fuck me..." I sighed. Why did it have to be one of THEM of all people to run into? I rolled over on the couch and reached for my phone. Oh yeah, I ended up crashing on Tom's couch because he mentioned it would be easier to go to the label meeting together rather than try parking my bike in the wealthier part of LA. Whatever. I read my phone real fast and went to get up, muttering curses and holding my head.

"Mom says we aren't supposed to swear," a little voice said right next to me. I jumped what felt like six feet in the air and yelled out, "Holy shit!" as I fell backwards over the couch. I heard the voice giggle as I stood up to inspect where it came from. I noticed a little kid looking at me from across the room. I was confused for a minute before I remembered who it was.

"Jeez, Liv. You scared me," I said rubbing my eyes. Tom's daughter smiled and giggled as she watched me fumble around for my shirt. "Mom says breakfast is on the table, and Dad told me to tell you to hurry," she said before skipping off to the living room. Cute kid.

I know, right. Me? Cute little kid? Staying with a stable loving family? Who'd have thought it. Anyways.

After I had breakfast with Tom and his family, we headed to Elektra to have this meeting done with the higher ups. I had been really worried, but in reality it was just to talk about tour dates and my contract. Honestly? I was just happy that they all seemed to have faith in my abilities. At least, enough faith that I'd be given decent creative freedom with my stuff. I wanted to stay local for my first major tour, but apparently I had to hit some major east coast cities as well. I made sure to start the tour in Cali and then end it in New York so I could go back to Seattle and relax after its over. My first legit show was actually a local festival before the tour, and then I scheduled a meet and greet at Abraham's bar to give him some more business and connect with my apparently huge fanbase. I can barely believe I have fans, to be honest. Speaking of New York...

Last night was weird. Really fucking weird.  Weird to the point where today I'm actually on my board skating at a park in Del Mar trying to wrap my head around it all. I was standing outside THEIR place with one of THEIR bandmates and yet... I couldn't bring myself to be angry anymore. I just couldn't do it. Sad and heartbroken? Yeah, absolutely, that hasn't changed. But foaming at the mouth anger like it used to be?  Nope. Gone.  It makes me wonder... is it because of Akali?

No. Nuh-uh. I nearly careened off of my board at the thought. Not going down that road again. Life is going too well right now for something as useless as love and affection to come in and ruin it. It must be because of all the good things happening right?  Please, dear god don't let that happen again. 

But still... I wonder what she's doing right now?

~3rd Person POV, K/DA Mansion earlier that morning~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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