Chapter 2: A Continuation

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(Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with K/DA, any of the music or lyrics I post, or any of the art. All credit to the respective artists and owners.)

(Your POV):

I walked down the steps from my apartment to the street outside the bar. Usually I'd be heading into work around this time, but since I happen to be off today all I had was this meeting. The bar was your atypical dive scene that had live music on Friday nights. At any point, it played host to local drunks, bikers, fishermen, ratty bums, musicians, and pretty much any other kind of lowlife you could think about.

All in all, it was my kind of place.

I stopped for a minute to light a cigarette and think about this guy I'm supposed to meet and how it could go. Man, this could really be life changing if I play it right... hope you're watching up there dad. Trying my best down here.

*sigh* Anyways. This agent guy.

I'd been working on my music ever since I graduated high school, and since I've worked at the bar since then I helped with music setup on Friday nights. Two weeks ago, this guy happened to be sitting at the bar during a local band's show, told me he was kinda like a scout. He wasn't impressed with the local guys, and was so upset that he threw out a comment that 'even a shitty bartender like you could play better than those kids!'

Goddamn right I can, bitch.

Thoroughly pissed off by that, I jumped up on stage and blasted through two of the finished songs I'd worked on. Needless to say, the guys in the bar at the time loved it, and the agent guy was pretty blown away.


I stood on stage after setting up my guitar and cueing up the local base guy and the drummer. I then looked into the crowd and all of a sudden got kinda... nervous.

'Ahh fuck it,' I thought. "Uhh... hello everyone. Most of you know me, but for those who don't my name is Y/N. Got something I've been cooking up for a while, figured I'd play it for you now. This is About a Girl," I said as I started playing.
<I need an easy friend
I do, with an ear to lend
I do think you fit this shoe
I do, but you have a clue!
I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night

I ripped through the rest of the song and the lyrics and stopped playing only to hear thunderous applause. It brought a smile to my face... one of the most real smiles I had in a long time. I saw the owner of the bar Rick smile at me, and the other occupants were cheering and whooping loudly. I decided, 'Ahh what the hell, why not.'

Aloud I asked, "Pretty good, right guys! You want one more? If you want one more, gimme a hell yeah!" I was given a rowdy *HELL YEAH* in return, so I smiled and cued up another song for me to burn through.

"Alright then. This one's called Smells Like Teen Spirit..." I said as I ripped into the lyrics. By the chorus I was practically screaming as I got more and more emotionally into the song.
<With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto, an albino
A mosquito, my libido, YEAH!>

~Flashback End~

Man, what a kick ass night. I'm usually a pretty quiet and reserved person, so doing what I did that night was the biggest rush of my life. Anyways, this agent guy loved it and decided to come back to talk to me about what else I had been brewing in the form of songs. I was really hoping and praying he could get me in the door with a label, or even a guy higher on the food chain than he was. He looked interested, so lets hope he has something for me.

Lost in the Echo  (K/DA x MaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now