10 - Staying together

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It was very late till the party ended, the guests left, and everybody was hell tired. Nobody had the energy to go back and they just wanted to sleep.

"I think you all should stay for the night. It's already very late and I don't think so it is safe to drive when you are so sleepy" Aarav's father said.

"No no we don't want to disturb you we'll leave" Aanya's father said.

"You are not disturbing us. Its just a matter of one night. Dont hesitate. We really don't mind." Saying this Aarav's mother called the staff and before anyone could deny she told them to clean the rooms for their stay.

"Shyam get the rooms cleaned and make sure to keep all the necessary things in the rooms. Change the bedsheets too. Get the rooms in ground floor for us elders and for the kids get the first floor rooms ready. Aanya you don't mind sharing room with Anika right?"

"No no aunty it's absolutely fine."

"Okay so get two rooms in the first floor ready."

"And I don't think so it will be comfortable to sleep in the dresses which you all are wearing so you can change. We have spare clothes here. Aunty ji can wear mummy's clothes uncle ji can wear papa's clothes Bhaisahab can wear Aditya's clothes and priya you can take one of my clothes. And Aanya I don't think Anika's clothes will fit you she is smaller than you so Aarav give her one of your t-shirts and lowers."

"Okay mom"

Within just 20 minutes the rooms were ready and everybody changed into comfortable clothes except for Aanya. She asked Anika to bring the clothes from her brother but as soon as Anika changed she slept. She didn't wanted to wake her up so she herself went to Aarav's room. Before entering she knocked once twice thrice but got no response so she entered as the door was open. She scanned the room but couldn't find Aarav. She was about to leave when she heard the click of the door knob when she turned to look she saw aarav entering the room from the bathroom in just his pants. Water droplets glistened on his smooth, toned skin, evidence of the recent shower. His tousled hair was still slightly damp, adding to the relaxed yet enticing aura.

As Aanya observed Aarav, a subtle blush crept onto her face, a warm and involuntary reaction to the sight before her. The soft glow in the room seemed to intensify, casting a gentle illumination on Aarav's sculpted form. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, creating a delicate dance of anticipation and a hint of nervous excitement.

Her gaze traced the contours of Aarav's bare chest, where droplets of water still clung to his skin, reflecting the ambient light. The play of muscles beneath the surface hinted at his athleticism, and the casual grace with which he moved spoke of a quiet confidence that captivated her.

The lounge pants hung low on his hips, drawing attention to the V-shaped trail of water droplets that disappeared beneath the waistband. Aanya couldn't help but appreciate the simplicity and naturalness of the moment, the way his damp hair tousled slightly as he moved.

As Aarav's eyes met hers, Aanya's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly turned to face the other side.

"I ..... I a ...... m sorry" she stammered, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "I didn't mean to barge into your room, but I knocked, and you didn't respond, and I needed the clothes. I can wait outside; you can get dressed first."

Aarav, realizing the situation, grinned and quickly moved to reassure her. "No need to wait outside, Aanya," he said. "It's okay. Just give me a moment to grab something to wear and I'll bring something for you too."

Aarav rummaged through his wardrobe and pulled out a comfortable T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. "Here you go," he said, handing the clothes to her. "They might be a bit big, but I hope they'll do for now."

"Thanks, Aarav." Aanya replied, accepting the clothes with a chuckle.

After that Aanya left for her room and changed into his clothes. The oversized T-shirt draped loosely over her frame, and the sweatpants, despite being a bit long, added a cozy, relaxed feel. The fabric carried a faint scent of Aarav's cologne. The T-shirt's neckline slipped slightly off one shoulder, giving it a casual and carefree vibe. The sweatpants, cinched at the waist, created a comfortable, laid-back look. An unexpected smile came on her face and then she quickly went to the bed. As she was already tired so as soon as she got on the bed she fell asleep.

Next morning she woke up early did her morning business and after washing her face she decided not to disturb anyone and so she went to the terrace.

Aanya stepped onto the quiet terrace, greeted by the early morning breeze that carried a refreshing scent of dew-kissed grass and blooming flowers. The sky, painted in hues of soft pastels, hinted at the promise of a beautiful day.

Finding a comfortable spot, Aanya settled into a chair, the coolness of the morning air brushing against her skin. She took a deep breath, savoring the serenity of the moment. The city below was still waking up, and the distant sounds of early-morning activity added a gentle rhythm to the tranquil atmosphere.

As Aanya looked out over the cityscape, her thoughts meandered, reflecting on the events of the past evening and the newfound camaraderie with Aarav. The borrowed nightclothes, neatly folded and left in her room, were a tangible reminder of the shared laughter and the ease that seemed to define their friendship.

Lost in her contemplation, Aanya hardly noticed the soft footsteps approaching. "Mind some company?" Aarav asked, a warm smile on his face.

Aanya returned the smile, gesturing to the empty chair beside her. "Not at all. It's a beautiful morning."

"By the way, my clothes suit you," Aarav remarked, a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Aanya felt a sudden rush of butterflies in her stomach, and a warm blush crept onto her face. She smiled, a mix of surprise and gratitude. "Oh, thank you!"

Aanya's smile widened, and she felt a pleasant warmth spreading within her. The exchange had added a delightful twist to the peaceful morning. As they continued chatting, the sun painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, creating a picturesque backdrop to their newfound camaraderie.

For the next few moments none of them spoke and just enjoyed the view and the surrounding. "Lets go downstairs the tea must be ready" Aarav said.

As they descended the stairs, the aroma of freshly brewed tea wafted through the air, guiding them to the cozy spot where their day would continue. The household, usually buzzing with activity, was now a tranquil haven, with the promise of a delightful morning lingering in the atmosphere.

Entering the living room, they found everyone gathered around, still in the comfort of their overnight attire, sharing laughter and recounting moments from the previous night. Aarav's parents, ever gracious, insisted that breakfast be enjoyed together before bidding farewell.

The breakfast table was adorned with an array of dishes, a mix of homemade delicacies and treats from the local bakery.

Aanya, exchanging a laugh with Anika: "Your mom's cooking is amazing! I can't believe we're having such a feast."

Anika: "Right? She's the best!"

Aditya, addressing Aanya's father: "You know, you're welcome here anytime. Don't be a stranger."

Aanya's father, smiling: "Thank you, Aditya. We appreciate your hospitality. Last night turned out to be quite an adventure."

Anika: "You should come over more often! We could have more impromptu sleepovers."

Aanya, playfully: "I'll keep that in mind, Anika."

"Well, I guess we should leave now. Its already very late and Aanya has to reach her office too" Aanya's mother said.

"I'll drop you all" Aarav said.

"No No its fine I'll drive" Aanya said.


With that, Lohani's left for there.

That's all for this chapter and sorry for any errors.

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