16 - The Unplanned Proposal(2)

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Aanya's Place-:

Aanya's mother entered her room with a vibrant kurti in hand, a smile playing on her lips as she held it out to her daughter. "Aanya, wear this kurti today," she said, her tone gentle but firm.

Confused, Aanya furrowed her brow. "But why, Maa? Is there a special occasion today?" she asked, curiosity bubbling within her.

Her mother's smile widened, but she remained evasive. "Just wear it, beta. You'll look beautiful," she replied, dodging the question yet again.

Aanya sighed, feeling a mixture of frustration and intrigue. She knew her mother could be stubborn when she wanted to be, and it seemed she wasn't going to reveal the reason behind her request anytime soon.

"But Maa, I need to know why I'm dressing up. Why are Sharma's coming over?" Aanya persisted, hoping for a hint.

Her mother's expression softened, and she placed a hand on Aanya's shoulder. "Just wear the kurti, and you'll understand soon enough," she said cryptically before leaving the room, leaving Aanya with more questions than answers.

With a sigh, Aanya glanced at the kurti in her hand, its vibrant colors and intricate embroidery catching her eye. Despite her mother's mysterious behavior, she couldn't deny that the kurti was beautiful. Resigned to the fact that she wouldn't get any more information, she decided to comply with her mother's request and slipped into the outfit, her mind buzzing with curiosity about the impending surprise.

As she finished getting ready, Aanya made her way downstairs, her heart pounding with anticipation. She found her parents and grandparents waiting in the living room, wearing similarly enigmatic smiles.

"Ab to bata do why are they coming and why did you ask me to get ready just for a simple lunch?" Aanya asked.

"Few more minutes beta you'll get to know" her dadi said.

Aanya sighed in frustration, feeling like she was caught in a whirlwind of secrecy. She glanced at the clock, the minutes ticking by agonizingly slowly. With each passing moment, her curiosity only intensified.

Finally, the doorbell rang, breaking the tension that hung in the air.

Aanya sighed in frustration, feeling like she was caught in a whirlwind of secrecy. She glanced at the clock, the minutes ticking by agonizingly slowly. With each passing moment, her curiosity only intensified.

Finally, the doorbell rang, breaking the tension that hung in the air. Her mother went to open the door. Everybody was present Aarav's parents grandparents his sister Anika and Aarav himself. They exchanged greetings and settled themselves. Aanya then took blessings from his family and setelled beside Anika and Aarav.

"What's going on with them?" she asked Anika.

"I have no clue. They've been acting suspicious all morning, and whenever I ask, they won't tell me," Anika replied, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Do you know something?" Aanya asked Aarav.

"No idea" Aarav said. Aanya nodded, her mind still swirling with questions.

"We have something important to discuss with you both." Aarav's father began referring to Aarav and Aanya.

"Aanya your family and our family think that you both are compatible in every aspect"

Before she could think, Aarav's father spoke again, his expression earnest. "We believe that you both would make a wonderful match. We have come here today to formally propose an alliance between our families."

The room fell silent, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the air. Aanya's mind reeled with a whirlwind of emotions-surprise, uncertainty, and a flicker of something else, something she couldn't quite name.

Beside her, Aarav's gaze met hers, his eyes reflecting the same mixture of shock and apprehension. In that moment, they shared a silent exchange, their unspoken questions and fears echoing in the depths of their intertwined gazes.

As the weight of the proposal settled over her, Aanya couldn't help but question herself: Was she truly ready to take this monumental step? Marriage wasn't something she had ever envisioned for herself at this stage in her life. She still had dreams to chase, goals to achieve, and a world to explore. The idea of committing herself to another person, of sharing her life in such an intimate way, filled her with a sense of uncertainty. Was she prepared to let go of her independence, to intertwine her future with someone else's?

On the other hand as Aarav absorbed the weight of the proposal, a whirlwind of thoughts swirled in his mind. Was he truly prepared to take on the responsibility of someone else's happiness, to become the pillar of support for another person? The idea of marriage brought with it a wave of uncertainty, stirring up doubts and insecurities that he had never confronted before. Could he provide for Aanya, protect her, and stand by her side through life's inevitable challenges? The weight of these questions pressed upon him, testing the foundation of his confidence and self-assurance.

Aarav's father's words broke the tension that hung in the air, offering a sliver of relief amidst the overwhelming uncertainty. "We are not forcing you both," he reiterated, his tone gentle but firm. "Ultimately, it's your decision. But you both can try spending time, try to get to know each other. If you guys agree, then fine, else we won't force you."

Aanya's mother, sensing the need for privacy, interjected gently, "Why don't you both go and talk in Aanya's room? Take your time to discuss and get to know each other better."

Aanya's heart skipped a beat at her mother's suggestion, her mind racing with a mix of nerves and anticipation. She stole a glance at Aarav, finding a glimmer of uncertainty mirrored in his eyes. With a nod of agreement, they rose from their seats, their footsteps echoing softly as they made their way upstairs to Aanya's room.

Aarav broke the silence saying "That was so unexpected"

"Yeahh" she replied. "So... what do you think about all of this?"

Aarav took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding, his gaze meeting hers with sincerity. "Honestly, I'm still processing everything. This is a big decision, and it's not one to be taken lightly."

Aanya nodded in agreement, her mind echoing his sentiments. "I feel the same way. Marriage is a huge step, and I want to make sure we're both on the same page before we commit to anything."

Aarav took a deep breath, his eyes searching Aanya's for any sign of hesitation. "So, what do you think? Do you want to give this a try?"

Aanya's heart fluttered at his question, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. Despite the uncertainty that still lingered, she found herself nodding slowly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yes, I do. Let's give it a try. But let's take it slow. We can meet and talk."

"Okay" Aarav said.

"Let's go then."

Aarav nodded and they both came down. Their parents with hope in their eyes asked " So what do you guys think?"

"We are ready to give this a try" Aarav said.

"That's great" aanya's father said.

"Lunch is ready, everyone. Let's eat first, and then we can continue our discussion." Aanya's mother said.

The aroma of delicious food filled the room as they all made their way to the dining table. Plates were filled with savory dishes, and the air was filled with laughter and conversation as they enjoyed the meal together.




That's all for this chapter and sorry for any errors.

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