20 - Morning Walk

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The first rays of the sun peeked through the curtains, gently nudging Aarav awake. He stretched lazily, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on his face. As he opened his eyes, he was greeted by the soft glow of dawn filtering through the window.

He checked the time on his phone and it was 5:30. He got up from the bed and got ready for the walk. He came out after 20 minutes and called Aanya. She didn't pick up the call in first time so he called her again. This time she picked up in 2nd ring.

"Good morning, Aanya," Aarav greeted her cheerfully.

"Good morning. " Aanya replied.

"You are still sleeping?"

"Just 5 minutes more. After that I'll get up and get ready."

"No more 5 minutes. Its already late. Get up now or I'll come to your place to wake you up."

Aanya quickly changed her tune. "No, no, I'm up. Give me five, no, ten minutes, and I'll be ready.

Bye!" She ended the call before Aarav could respond, leaving him chuckling at her sleepy antics.

Aarav sent her the location of the park and then quickly grabbed his headphones and headed out the door. The streets were quiet, and the city was still waking up to the new day. He walked briskly, eager to start the day with a refreshing walk.

Meanwhile Aanya took 15 minutes and quickly came down and was greeted by her mother.

"Oh god, Aanya, are you okay? Are you sick?" her mother asked, concerned.

"No, why would I be sick?" Aanya replied, puzzled.

"You got up so early without me waking you up," her mother pointed out.

"Oh, that. I'm just going for a walk," Aanya explained.

"Wow, today the sun has risen from a different direction. Aanya madam got up early without being told and is going for a walk," her mother teased.

"I just wasn't feeling sleepy. Now I'm off. Bye," Aanya said, quickly running out of the house. It took her 40 minutes to reach their meeting spot.

As Aanya reached their meeting spot, she saw Aarav waiting for her, a smile lighting up his face. She waved and hurried over to him.

"Good morning, Aarav. Sorry, I'm a bit late," Aanya apologized.

"No worries, Aanya. I just got here myself," Aarav reassured her.

"Ready for our walk?" Aanya asked.

"Absolutely. Let's go," Aarav replied.

They set off on their morning walk, enjoying the cool morning breeze and the peaceful surroundings. They chatted about their plans for the day.

As they walked, Aarav noticed how the early morning light seemed to illuminate Aanya's face, making her look even more beautiful. He felt a warmth in his heart, grateful for moments like these spent with her.

"You exercise daily?" Aanya asked.

"Yeah, generally I go to the gym as walking is boring without company but now I think I would prefer walks over the gym."

Aanya couldn't help but smile her cheeks turned a bright shade of red which were shining in the morning rays.

To stop her smile she changed the conversation "You know I watched this amazing movie last night," Aanya said, her eyes lighting up. "It was so touching, I couldn't stop crying."

"What was it about?" Aarav asked, genuinely interested.

"It was about a young girl who overcame all odds to achieve her dreams. It was so inspiring," Aanya replied, a smile playing on her lips.

"That sounds really interesting. I'll have to check it out," Aarav said, making a mental note to look up the movie later.

As they walked further, Aarav asked, "So, do you have any plans for the weekend?"

Aanya thought for a moment before replying, "Not really. I was thinking of maybe trying out that new café that opened up downtown. What about you?"

"That sounds like a great idea. I've heard they have amazing pastries there," Aarav replied, his stomach growling at the thought.

"Perfect! It's a date then," Aanya said, a playful glint in her eyes.

As their walk continued, Aarav and Aanya lost track of time, engrossed in each other's company. The sun rose higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over everything around them.

After a while, they decided to head back home, both looking forward to their weekend plans. Aarav couldn't help but smile as he walked back home, his mind already wandering to spending time with Aanya and the delicious pastries he would soon be enjoying.

The weekend arrived, and true to their plan, Aarav and Aanya met up at the café downtown. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods greeted them as they walked in, adding to the cozy ambiance of the place.

The café was cozy, with warm lighting and a relaxed atmosphere. As they entered, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods wafted through the air, enticing their senses.

They found a table by the window, offering a view of the bustling street outside. Aarav held the chair out for Aanya, and she sat down with a smile, appreciating the gesture.

They started with coffee, both opting for a cappuccino. The first sip was heavenly, the perfect blend of strong coffee and creamy foam. Aarav couldn't help but comment on how good it tasted, and Aanya nodded in agreement.

For their meal, they decided to share a couple of dishes. They chose a savory quiche filled with cheese and vegetables, and a sweet pastry filled with strawberries and cream. The quiche was rich and flavorful, while the pastry was light and indulgent.

As they ate, they talked about everything and anything. They reminisced about their childhoods, shared funny stories from their past, and discussed their hopes and dreams for the future. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and Aarav found himself hanging on to Aanya's every word.

After they finished eating, they sat back in their chairs, savoring the moment. Aarav felt a sense of contentment wash over him, grateful for the time spent with Aanya.

As they left the café, the sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the city. Aarav and Aanya walked side by side, their steps in sync. 




That's all for this chapter and sorry for any errors.

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