13 - New year

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Aanya's POV-:

The days had been flying by, each one carrying its own rhythm and melody. The year was coming to a close, and the anticipation of a new beginning lingered in the air, sprinkled with the excitement of the approaching New Year's Eve.

As the city began to buzz with preparations for the grand celebration, I found myself caught in a whirlwind of thoughts. There was an inexplicable excitement tinged with a hint of nostalgia as I reminisced about the adventures of the past year.

The countdown to the New Year was just around the corner, a time when the world seemed to collectively hold its breath, ready to embrace new beginnings and bid farewell to the bygone days. It was a time for celebrations, for resolutions, and for a moment of reflection on the journey traveled.

But amidst the anticipation of the New Year, another date loomed even closer in my mind-the 18th of January, my birthday. The thought of it brought a mixture of emotions-excitement, curiosity, and a touch of contemplation.

Birthdays had always been special, moments to cherish with loved ones and to reflect on the experiences and growth that each passing year brought. This year felt different, carrying a sense of anticipation that I couldn't quite put into words.

I wondered about the possibilities that the year ahead might hold, the adventures yet to be experienced, the friendships waiting to blossom, and the unexpected turns that life might unveil.

But as the eve of the New Year approached, I pushed those thoughts aside, ready to embrace the celebrations that awaited. The twinkling lights, the joyous laughter, and the promise of a fresh start filled me with a sense of exhilaration-a feeling that whispered of exciting adventures yet to unfold.

As the clock struck midnight, the sky lit up with fireworks, painting the canvas of the night with vibrant colors. Amidst the cheerful countdown and the jubilant cheers, I closed my eyes, making a silent wish, a hope for a year filled with laughter, love, and countless moments to cherish.

I ran downstairs where my family was watching some movie. I was also watching in them but few minutes back i got a call from my friend so i excused myself to my room.

I came down and touched everbody's feets "HAPPYYYY NEWWW YEARRRR" I said.

"Happy New Year, my dear," my grandmother spoke softly, her voice carrying the weight of years of experience. "May this year be a tapestry woven with moments of joy, a year where every step you take leads you closer to your dreams."

My grandfather, with a gentle nod and a twinkle in his eye, added, "May your spirit remain as resilient as the oak, and may your heart be as compassionate as a spring breeze. May success be your companion in every endeavor."

"Happy New Year, darling!" my mother exclaimed, pulling me into a tender hug. "May this year bring you endless opportunities, success in your endeavors, and abundant happiness."

My father, with a glimmer of pride in his eyes, added, "Wishing you a year filled with unwavering health, determination, and the courage to chase your dreams fearlessly."

"Thank you, everyone," she said, her voice laced with emotion. "Your support means the world to me. I hope to make the most of this new year, to grow, learn, and cherish every moment with all of you by my side."

After few minutes we all headed towards our rooms. As i setteled in my bed i opened my phone. There were a lots of messages from my friends and family. I then replied to everyone. The first message she got was from her best friend Ishaan.

Ishaan: "Happy New Year Aanya🥳🍾! Your friendship's been a beacon of joy. Here's to a year filled with dreams realized, adventures embraced, and laughter that never fades. Let's make more awesome memories together. Cheers to an incredible year ahead!"

Aanya: "Happy New Year to you too🥳! You've been a constant source of laughter and support. Let's make this year one for the books-more adventures, more laughter, and more unforgettable moments. Grateful for your friendship, mate!"

After I was done I got a message from Anika and Aarav.

Anika: "Happy New Year, Aanya❣️! Here's to our growing friendship and more awesome times ahead. Cheers to an amazing year together!"

Aanya: "Happy New Year to you too❤️. I'm so grateful for our friendship. Looking forward to more fun and laughter this year. Here's to our growing bond!"


Aarav: "Happy New Year! Even though it's only been a few months, your presence has brought so much happiness into my life. I don't easily open up or trust people, but you've been different. In a short time, you've shown me what true friendship feels like. I am really lucky to have you as a friend."

Aanya: "Happy New Year to you too! I feel incredibly fortunate to have you as a friend too. Let's keep building this bond and making more unforgettable moments together. Cheers to a wonderful friendship."

As I read through the heartfelt messages from my dear friends, a warm feeling settled within me. Their words echoed the support, love, and joy that had enriched my life. It was overwhelming to have such wonderful people around, each message a reminder of the beautiful connections I had forged.

Reflecting on their kind wishes, I felt immensely grateful for their presence in my life. Their support had been a constant source of strength and joy. The depth of their friendship and the sincerity in their words filled me with a profound sense of happiness.

Having friends like Ishaan, Anika, and Aarav, who valued our bond and expressed their feelings so genuinely, made my heart swell with gratitude. Their support during the past few months had made a significant difference, making me feel understood, cared for, and cherished.

And the blessings and wishes from my family, each carrying a lifetime of love and wisdom, were like a guiding light, a reminder of the unwavering support that surrounded me. Their words resonated deep within, uplifting my spirits and infusing me with a renewed sense of determination and warmth.

As I settled under the soft covers, a smile graced my lips, and my heart danced with joy. The New Year had just begun, and with such supportive friends and loving family by my side, I felt ready to embrace whatever adventures and opportunities lay ahead. Gratitude overflowed within me for the priceless gift of their presence in my life.




That's it for today.

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