5 - Thinking about each other

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It had already been a week since their dinner gathering, yet neither could erase the other from their thoughts. Both Aarav and Aanya had carried misconceptions about one another, but those misunderstandings had now been dissolved. Aarav had once believed Aanya to be an eristic and aloof individual, but the dinner meeting revealed her true nature as a kind and charming person. Conversely, Aanya had initially perceived Aarav as being distant and arrogant, but she came to understand that he was simply an introverted soul.



Aarav had spent the entire morning lost in thoughts of Aanya, his concentration on work eluding him. He longed to converse with her when a sudden knock on his office door interrupted his daydreams. His PA, Rajiv, stood at the threshold."Yes"

"Sir, the article has been completed and has been forwarded to us for your review to ensure your satisfaction with it."

Yes, this was it this was a chance to talk to Aanya. Just a mere thought a smile on his face.

"Okay keep it here I'll check it" and after keeping the tab Rajiv left.

He picked the tab and started reading the article -


In the realm of corporate leadership, Aarav Sharma stands as a remarkable figure, steering SharmaCorp with an unwavering commitment to his father's vision and a deep sense of responsibility. Despite the challenges of his young age, Aarav's meticulous planning, discipline, and moments of solitude keep him grounded in the fast-paced corporate world. Aarav's closely-knit family serves as a wellspring of strength and values, shaping his career and life choices. In the quieter, enigmatic corners of his life, he finds solace in the melodies of old Hindi music, particularly the timeless compositions of R.D. Burman. Aarav's journey offers insights and inspiration for young entrepreneurs, underlining the importance of staying true to one's vision, adaptability, a dedicated team, and the unwavering support of family. His story embodies the power of duty, responsibility, and values in the pursuit of success, reminding us that even the most enigmatic individuals hold profound wisdom within them.


It was perfect he couldn't find any mistakes or any point that dissatisfied him. This made him irritated.

"Why does she have to write it so perfectly" he thought.

He called his PA and told him that he was satisfied and they could publish this article.

He contemplated sending her a message to express his appreciation for the excellent article, but a sudden realization left him flustered.

"Shit," he muttered, his brow furrowing. He realized that he didn't have her number. Anika, being her friend, would have her number, but how would he request her for her number without raising questions about his intentions.

Aarav deduced that Aanya might have provided her contact number for record-keeping purposes. However, he hesitated, as he had never personally undertaken such a task before.

"Alright," he decided, "I'll simply ask Rajiv to retrieve her number from the records. He'll manage the logistics."

He called Rajiv, carefully articulating his request to obtain Aanya's contact number discreetly, ensuring there would be no cause for suspicion.



On the other side of the city, Aanya Mehra was wrestling with her thoughts. She was lost in her thoughts that she didn't realise that sneha her colleague was calling her.

"Aanya" sneha said a bit loudly this time bringing her back from her thoughts.


"Where are you lost? I called you 3 times but you were so busy in your thoughts. What were you thinking?"


" Is everything fine?"

"Yes. You tell me why were you calling me"

"I read your article about Aarav. It's beautifully written. I don't think they will disapprove it."

"Hope so!" She smiled and Sneha left.

As Sneha left, Aanya couldn't help but wonder if Aarav had read her article, and if so, what he thought of it. The notion of him reading her words, just as she had read about him, filled her with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

After a few minutes, her boss came and told her

"Anaya they have approved the article. It'll be published in tomorrow's paper. Good job"

"Thank you, ma'am" She said with a huge smile on her face.

That's all for this chapter and sorry for any errors.

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