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Hey guys! Just writing a quick little A/N to ask your guys advice on a few topics...

1) First off, I just want to say thank you so so so much for all your love and support on this story, I can't believe it's almost at 30k reads! That is insane, I never thought I would get 100, let alone over 25k! So thank you for all your lovely comments (of which I read every one and I'm sorry I don't reply as much, I will try harder!), your votes and giving me a follow! Just, thank you so much!

2) As I am now writing the sequel, I was wondering, if you guys wanted me to upload the sequel in a new 'work' or book or whatever you want to call it, or, just keep uploading the sequel onto this book. Let me know what you think in the comments!

3) And finally, I was wondering if you guys wanted me to write any other stories, either it be Skulduggery related, or different fandoms, or original works? Leave me a comment, or send me a message and let me know what you would like, and what sort of plot/characters etc you would like to see!!

That's it for now, sorry this isn't an actual update, but hopefully there will be one sometime soon! Much love,


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