Chapter 2: Doctor Nye's Department

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Skulduggery leapt up to continue the fight only to find that Darquesse and the reflection had disappeared. He ran forward to Valkyrie, who was fighting to stay concious.

"Val? Val? It's Skul," he said as he cut through the rope holding her hands and her body to the chair.

"Skul? Oh hey," she barely answered.

"Yeah, it's ok, we're going to take you to Nye," he replied, gently picking her up.

"But what about you? Any broken bones?" she asked weakly, with genuine concern.

"Val, I think you should be worrying about yourself more than me," he chuckled.

"Yeah, but..."

"Val? Seriously, I'm fine ok?"

"Ok," she said faintly, her eyelids fluttering close.

Fletcher looked on pale faced as he absorbed everything he had just wittnessed. He didn't hesitate when Skulduggery asked him to teleport to the Sanctuary hospital.

Skulduggery strided into the office and laid a now unconcious Valkyrie on the surgical table. "Fix her," he demanded as Doctor Nye walked into the room and took in the scene. With a small nod from it's head, Skulduggery walked out into the corridor and collapsed on a nearby bench, his head in his hands.

An hour and a half later, Skulduggery stood up and walked back into the hospital ward and found Nye still hard at work on Valkyrie. How pale and fragile she looked, lying on the blood drenched surgical sheet. "How is she?" he asked, never taking his eyes off her beautiful young face.

"Well..." Nye said uncertainly...

"What?" he asked impatiently, not readying himself for the news.

"She might not make it," it said simply.

"WHAT?!" he roared flinging himself at Nye. "YOU HAVE TO LET HER LIVE! I LOVE HER!! PLEASE KEEP HER ALIVE!!" he was leaning against the wall now, sobbing in his sad skeleton way.

"I'll see what I can do, but the wound is severe and she has been bleeding internally for the last three hours so," it trailed off busying itself with continuing the operation.

Skulduggery walked quietly out and lay back down on the bench. Soon after he had lain down, he heard footsteps approaching him. He didn't bother to get back up, he was too depressed. The girl who lit up his world was dying behind those doors in front of him. The footsteps slowed and stopped in front of him.

"Skulduggery Pleasant," Ghastly said. Skulduggery sat up and looked at him, his shoulders sagging as he saw the Cleavers behind him and the pair of handcuffs in his hands.

"You are under arrest for the murder of... well, millions." Skulduggery stood up and turned around as Ghastly locked the handcuffs around his bony wrists. Skulduggery didn't resist, even though his best friend was arresting him, because none of that mattered anymore. His love, Valkyrie was behind those doors, her life draining away. He took one last glance at her pale face through the glass as Ghastly marched him down the corridor.

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