Part- 27

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Next morning...

Everyone already leave to their perspective office/ school for work except Rm & Jin.

In study

Jin- so Kim NAMJOON finally we are here.. ( sarcastically )

A/N Pov

After everyone leave . Jin go to kitchen to clean the utensils as he took a day of  to complete some pending work. And order rm to go in study and wait in position. After 30 min he reach there and found Rm there kneeling down and hands up . He sigh and then wake in front of him placing himself on the bed comfortably with a stern face.


After listening Jin ..rm see towards him and gulp.

Jin- answer me ...I am talking to you..( stern )

Rm- hy.. hyu.. hyung ( stuttering )

Jin- STOP shuttering ! And say clearly ( shout + angry )

Rm flinch hard. He is not the offen one to get punished like this.

Rm- I..I.. don' my..hea.. hyung...( He tried his best but can't stop shuttering )

Jin- or what else you do ( calm + stern )

Rm see Jin with confused face first but seeing Jin stern face he get what jin was talking about and he hung his head low.

Rm- I ...punish taehyung..

Jin-  how you punish him...

Rm- wi..with..belt...

Jin- is that right to punish him like that... mercilessly....

Rm- hyung...

Jin-  than what's wrong with you ha..( shout ) is that such a big punish your own brother mercilessly..

Rm flinched hard . He is already feeling guilty but he can't able to accept it before but now he is feeling how wrong he was . His eyes filled with tears.

Rm - hy.. hyung..

Jin- shut up..just shut need to say anything now..I don't want to listen your stupid know what ..I am tired of listening the same thing again and matter how much I explain it to you..but you can't understand... it's not like you can't able to , it's just.. you don't want to understand accept it.. and now I am done...

Rm tears starts flowing. He don't know why..but he can't able to forgot that.. to forgive tae. He understand that tae has no fault but as his Hyung said he don't want to accept it. And now he also  disappoint his only hyung who is always there with him in every situation.. wheather it was easy or tough no matter what.

Seeing him cry Jin heart clenched. It always a tough job to punish and make his younger brothers understand thier mistake but he has to do it.

Jin-  Rm you know why are you  here and your let come on your punishment. ( Cold )

Rm nooded . He know he is wrong and their is no escape from this now after what he do .

Jin- ok then you are getting 50 hits. First 30 on calves from cane because you don't take care of you health..and next 20 from belt on your butt for punishing tae  without enough reason .

Rm see him with pleading eyes.  ( He know he is at fault but who want to get punished  )

Rm - I am.. sorry hyung.. please...

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