Part - 36

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In Kim mansion

' it's better if you die you jerk '

' I never see a useless person then you '

' you are just a curse on me '

' why you come here just die you fucking boy '

' it is much better if I don't go there '

' just get lost don't show me your ugly face '

These words are continuously coming in his mind . He was sweating so badly. He is so scared and sweating badly. He saw the same dream numerous times and it still affect the same. The person wake up with a jerk.

Noo...( He mumbled )

He analyse his surroundings and found that he was safe. He let out a breath which he was holding for God knows how long. He gulp his saliva and take some deep breath. He reach for the water bottle which was placed on side drawer but felt a light weight on lap . He see and saw the person was sleeping cutely placing his head on his lap and wrapping his arms around his waist with a pout on his face .

Guess who they are

The person see the cute kid face and smile and caressed his hair.
' you need a haircut ' he was just adoring the face and his eyes start filling with tears .

I think you all know but still let me tell you ' Suga & tae '

Suga- I am sorry tae..I can't able to give you what you deserve everything ...but you got the anger of your own brother..and..I ..I can't do anything..I know how much he matter to love him so much ... I know I am never enough....but I will try my best...I will fill your life with happiness no matter if it gonna worth my life ...I love you a lot tae bear..
( A tear drop down )

Saying this he kiss tae forehead. He then freed himself from tae grip .
He was going to his room when he see rm room . He goes their and see the door is open . He go inside and see that rm was not their . He go downstairs to check where he is. Suga found rm standing outside the kitchen and ordering the maids for breakfast and what he listen next form a smile on his face. .

' make some strawberry pancakes also with a strawberry syrup ' - Rm said

Suga smile knowing the fact why and for whom the pancakes are made. He is not the fan of strawberry pancakes and not rm they both eat pancakes with honey only but their bear love it . He thought were broke by rm.

Rm - oh you awake ..

Suga- yeah hyung...

Rm saw his face and feels something is wrong. Before he say further Suga hug him. Rm also hug him . He was worried because this not what Suga prefer to do mostly.
He let Suga take the comfort. After a minute they broke the hug.

Rm- everything ok .... tell me

Suga nooded

Rm - really...

He asked again and Suga look down and said.

Suga- dream..

Rm- you see a bad dream..

Suga - yeah..

Rm - you want to talk about it..

Suga - no hyung..

Rm- ok.. don't think much about that.. everything is fine..hmm..I am here with you..

Saying this he patted Suga and ruffle his hairs. Suga smile a little.

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