Part - 37

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In university

Jm just drop jk . Jk saw tae was standing their waiting for him. He go and hug him. Maybe jumping on tae.

Jk - tae tae...

Tae - stop jumping on my back you bunny...

Jk step back . Tae move towards him . They both see each other for sometime than Burst into laughter.
They both hug each other.

Tae - come let go for class..

Jk - tae tae you done the assignment...

Tae- yeah..why..

Jk- give me ..I have to copy it..

Tae whack him.

Tae- Again..why you don't complete your assignment ha..

Jk snatch tae bag..

Jk - don't scold me hyung already do that..

Tae- you deserve hyung know this ..

Jk- yeah ( searching tae bag for assignment )

Tae - and he didn't punish you ..( confused )

Jk- he is not that kind..( making face )...where is your assignment..

Tae- first tell me what I ask..

Jk- he didn't give any punishment to me but he scold me and he twist my ear so hardly see ( showing his ear cutely )

Tae see and chuckled.

Tae - why are behaving like he punish you mercilessly..

Jk pout

Jk- you are so bad...he scold me this much...( Spreading his hands fully )

Tae - ok come..

Jk- but where is yours assignment..

Tae - in my locker..come..

Jk- but what about our seat...that mark will take that ...

Tae - it's ok we will sit on other one..

Jk- No..I want to sit there ...

Tae- ok..then go ..I will come after ..

Jk - ok come faster..

Jk leave for class and tae leave to corridor.

Tae was just open his locker and take out his assignment . He locked it and about to go but someone just pulled him and push him on ground. Tae winced .

Tae- oww...

He see towards the person and immediately stiff..

Ohh.. what happens this hurt

He start moving towards tae and tae stand and start backing away.

Tae - stay away from me..

Ohh so the kid is scared...

He grab tae hair hardly..

Tae- ahh..

He pull tae up..

Didn't I say don't show your face in This University..

Saying this he punched tae hard in his stomach. Tae whimper. He then push tae . There are some more friends of the bully who was enjoying this all . Then he pick up a iron rod . He was about to hit tae but ... before that someone punch him hard enough that he landed on ground.


Sorry guys I know it's too short and I said I will upload long chapters. But my new academic year start and our teachers are not showing any mercy on us . They are giving us a lot of work which I have to do. You know I have to write almost 30 pages in one go my hands are paining so much .

But as I said to update fast so I think to update even it's a short chapter.

You guys decide you want long chapters but late updates


Short chapter but fast update

I will definitely give some long chapters in between. That's not the issue.

Vote and comment.

Q - who you think save tae ?

Q- long chapters but late update or short chapter but fast ?

Love you

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