Part- 38

998 78 44

Bingo for those who guess it


You all are right 😁

Jk punched the bully hardly before he can hit tae and the bully fell on ground . Jk hold the iron rod and  look dangerously toward the bully.

Jk - now what should I do now with this.. ..
( Rolling the rod )

Jk raise the rod and about to hit the boy ..

Nooo...tae yelled..

Jk stop..

Jk don't - tae

Jk- but he hit you dare he...( Said gritting his teeth )

Tae- jk please no..let him go .. it's ok .

Jk- it's not okk..I will not leave him...

Tae- I said No jungkook means No....( Strictly ) ...

Jk see towards tae angrily . He threw the rod and then look at the boy in front of him . Jk kicked him and the pull him up by his hair.

Jk - I am letting you go this time... don't show your face again bastard..

You are not doing right..we will see you later..

Jk- who we...there is no one ....

The bully see around him and found no one there. He gulped and then see toward jk .

Jk - ( smirked ) - done with your child  talks... punched him again .... let's go hyung...

He leave the boy there . He and tae were walking out but the bully took it as a chance and try to hit tae with the rod but jk sense it . Jk come to protect tae and  he got hit on his arm . Jk immediately whimper . Tae  get shocked seeing jk condition . Jk arm is bleeding because he got hit from the sharp side. 

Tae - kookie..what hurts.. kookie..kookie..

The bully smirk now who will save you ....

Jk - try to touch him  once ..then I will show you

He was about to hit tae before jk can do something the bully was on ground. Jk see who punch the boy and see tae whose eyes are now red in anger .

Tae- how dare you to touch him ..

Tae started beating the boy mercilessly. Jk was enjoying the show . He never thinks his tae hyung will be this much cool . Jk was cheering for tae.
Tae was beating the boy.

Next scene

Outside of principal room

Jk- hyung you are so you beat that boy ..I am impressed...

Tae- you idiot.. if hyung get to know about this then they will beat us and I think  it will not gonna impress you....

Jk- so what we both are getting it ( casually )

Tea- are happy that we both will get punished..

Jk- yeah maybe..I will be sad If I am gonna get it alone will be boring..but of both are getting it then it's fine...

Tae give him what a heck look..

They both give no. Of their guardian to principal.

Guess whose no. They will give



Next scene

In Kim office

Suga is sitting on his chair with a irritating look. This is when someone entered in his cabin.
He see the person. It's Jimin . It's there break time. They both do their lunch together.
Jm see Suga face and smile. He knows the reason behind it but act like he don't.
Jm order their food and sit on Suga front sit.

Jm- what happens...why are looking like a kid whose candy  is snatch away...

Suga  see towards him and then then face other side getting more irritate.

Suga - get lost...

Jm- hyung..if you want I can bring you new candy and some chocolates too..nice deal na..

Suga glares him intensely for few minutes.

Jm raise his hand in surrender.

Jm- more jokes..

This is when their food comes .

Jm- you are not gonna to eat...

Suga- he is ignoring me..

Jm smirked

Jm- who..who has this much power to ignore the great Min Yoongi..

Suga - Jin..jin hyung..

Jm laughed out .

Jm- he is still not talking to you..

Suga shook his head like a child . He find himself sulking and he hate this feeling with bottom of his heart.

Suga - stop laughing...( Banging the table )

Jm - ok..ok..I am serious now..
Still chuckling

Jm- so what happens really hyung tell me ...maybe I can help you..

Suga- we have a meeting with Jeon company..and Jin hyung come..I go there specially to meet him.

There was a group meeting held for all the companies who work with Kim 's and Jeon company is also there as always. Although the company only consist of the  main heads of the company  like ceo's of every company. But Suga ask Rm to let him attend this rather than him. First Rm said no but seeing him so restless about this he agreed. Rm
Knows that Suga will handle it nicely.


Jm- So..what happens there..

Suga - I go to talk to him but he ignore  me and that too in front of others. You know how embarrassing that was.

Jm smiled he see everything with his own eyes . He enjoyed it so much . He was laughing like a maniac that time when he see Suga seeing Jin with a lost puppy face when Jin ignore him. 

Jm- really...that all..

Suga see him suspiciously.

Suga - yeah that it..

Jm- ok..


That's for today hope you like it .
Don't forgot to

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I try to write a little long chapter. Because you guys are supporting me . So I also think to give my best to you all . 

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Q- what you think will tae & jk got punish or not ?

Q - you want to see Suga strict side ?

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