Part- 30

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Hello guys 👋 I am back..first of all a
Very Happy New year to all my dear readers. I wish that all of your lives filled with rainbow colours and all your wishes come true. You all achieve what you want. My wishes to all.

I get my phone back so I think to update it. You guys are really waiting for a long time.

This is new year gift for you all from me
Now coming on chapter

Next day at 9:00 a.m

Tring tring.....( Phone rang )

Suga ( pick up sleepily )-  who the fuck wants to die today with my hands...( Annoying said and pick the call )

Jm- hello hyung get up...

Suga- ( highly annoyed )- why the hell you call me this early you moron..I am sleeping...

Suga said bumping his head on the pillow

Jm- you have an appointment today hyung ...we have to reach there at 12:00 atleast..

Suga- it's fucking 9 stop disturbing my  precious sleep or I will kill you..

Saying this suga cut the  call.

So let me tell you what's going on. After that night Suga goes to sleep. The next morning everyone leaves for thier work . Tae go to college and Rm goes to work after pleading Jin so much. Jin give him permission just to go and sit ther not to exhaust himself.
So the whole mansion is empty and our sleepy cat is sleeping ( what you are even expecting from him to do in such a peace) . Jm  take a day off lying others that he is tired and want a day off and also say that he wants someone company to join. As everybody has work he chose Suga .

It's 9 so jm think to call Suga as he know he don't get up till he force him. But our Savage Suga pick the call , curse him and cut the call. Now coming on chapter...

Jm called Suga again..but he don't pick up . Jm get annoyed he took his car keys and drove to the mansion . Thanks to his stars that thier is no traffic today. He reached thier in 30 min.  He straightly goes toward suga room and found him still sleeping.

Jm rub his temples frustrated seeing him sleeping peacefully.

Jm rub his temples frustrated seeing him sleeping peacefully

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Jm- am I fool seriously...I came here rushing like no tomorrow and you are sleeping like nothing happens.....hyungggg.....( Yell frustrated )

But yoongi had no avail. He is far gone in sleep. Jm shake him lightly first but when he don't move he hit  on his leg ..

Jm- sleepy long you are thinking to sleep... it's already...9:30...

Suga change his position in sleep but don't get up..and spoke..

Suga- got out you baby mochi...let me sleep...if you don't want to be dead soon...

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