Part - 42

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Unedited :-

Jin- LEAVE HIM.....

But yoongi is lost in his world ( planning in how many ways he can kill the person ).

Jin - I said leave him KiM YOONGi... ( Shout )

Listening Jin shouting Suga looked up towards him .Suga eyes are red in anger he was just gonna break the jerk arm .  But he calm himself after seeing Jin . He remember that Jin strictly prohibited him to not do this kind of blunder in any public place or in front of the youngers.  Suga looked around him and found a no. Of people gathering around him . He once look at the person then Jin & then the surroundings. He leaves him . The person immediately run towards Jin crying.

Suga ( thinking ) - Bitch .. complain like a week and Pathetic...

Jin-  what's happening here .....( Coldly )

Person - blah..blah..blah ( think that he complain about yoongi in hope to see Suga get something in return )

Y - But sir you said to..not let anyone enter..

Jin- ( shout )-  It's for the  employees's not for him.. do you know him... who is he... ( Jin looks so angry )

The Y ( person )  got confused . He shook his head in no.

Y - no..(shuttering )

Jin- Then..did ever so him working here as an employee.. ( shout )

Y - No...

Jin - then why the hell you .. stop Mr. Kim to enter ..

Listening to Mr. Kim y got shocked . He didn't notice it before when Jin called yoongi name. He look terrified. He than glance at Suga who is still glaring him like he will eat him alive .

Jin- tell Mee..

Y - I am sorry sir ..I really don't know about this...I am sorry ( said bowing towards Suga )

Jin - I am letting you go this time because you are new here and I think you seriously don't know him but..if I ever see you again disrespecting him or any Kim then you will be fired ...Keep this in mind ....( Seriously + coldly )

Y nooded he once again say sorry to both of them and leave from thier hurriedly. He literally got a heart attack after knowing that the person is Kim who he insult. He know what relation both company  have . He just Rm once and not the other one but he listen enough about them to know that not to mess with them  and specially the second Kim who he just encounter and he now he knows why people said that..

Jin glare yoongi and go inside his cabin . Yoongi follow him.

Yoongi pov
Great just great kIm yoongi you again pissed the monster . He is already ready to belt me now I think he definitely gonna kill me because what I do now . O God why the hell that jerk meet me and that in front of him. Oh yoongi  whom you are praying now even god can't save you . Why this all is happening with such a great soul like me...I just come to say sorry..Reat in peace to me ..

End .

Jin is glaring Suga. Suga see Jin  and he really forgot how to talk or to start a conversation. He gulped hard when he see Jin coming towards him angrily.

( Note - there is an room inside that is attached to Jin's canbin and it is soundproof & no cameras  . Both Jin and Suga is there right now . )

Jin go and grab Suga chin hardly and make him look up..

Jin - what was that ( sternly  + deadly cold voice )

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