Chapter 2

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Project 0409 - I set up camp for the night, The last thing I wanted was another fight from these cursed souls. I rested my head and faced the blood red sky - thinking to myself when my time would finally come to meet her again.

After that night, I broke camp and was met with a proposition. I figured I could continue my search for Casper, or return to the overworld and catch up with Saber in her progress. I decided to just double back to the castle since Saber only spent one night alone. Alone I traveled to a vantage point near the castle to see if I could get a better entrance than last time. I took a seat and crossed my arms "This has got to be the first time I've been stumped so hard" I commented. I grunted in frustration and turned my back to the castle to clear my head and devise a better plan. After taking a single step I felt a poke into my back, I swung behind me and found nothing. I rubbed my lower back and suspected something was very wrong. Before I realized it, I heard her voice. Behind me was the voice of the devil I've been hunting for two lifetimes now. I spun around and instantly felt the shock in my whole system. I lost control of my right leg and held my left hand over my heart as it started to contract hard.

"Hello son," She said crazily. I glared into her eyes as they started to bleed and her smile went insane.

"Saber was right about you!" I grumbled in pain. She slowly crept forward and stopped at a reasonable distance.

"Yes dearest Project 0226, she always did enjoy being right" I attempted to grab her neck, Wrist blade ejecting quick and furious. She caught the blow and forced my arm down slowly while crouching to my level. "Don't get feisty, I only wish to talk." I used my left foot to kick out her balance and get on top of her. Grunts of pain from both parties were audible and she overpowered me with ease. "I'm afraid you need your first punishment" She slammed her fist into my heart. She didn't pierce through my body but I could feel the world coming to a crawl as my heart skipped a few beats and I fell immobilized.

The evolved Ethier leaking from her fingertips and swarming me to keep me tied up. "Tsk Tsk It's been a long time since you've seen your mother hasn't it bud?" She giggled and started the Lullaby of misfortune. "Answer me little lamb, why do you seek this Casper so much?" She demanded.

"I chase her because of our undying love" The words were forced from my mouth, her Lullabies will be the end of this story before It even starts If I can't escape her.

"Ahh I see, so just like when you were my son. Casper this and Casper that." She paused and let the guilt set in. She switched to the Lullaby of great sorrow "If I recall, as a child you almost worshiped her" I felt control slowly coming back to me, I saved my energy and converted my sorrow to rage quietly while she spouted her nonsense. "And so even in death she follows and controls you." She lifted her right hand and locked her fingers "If she wants to poison my child, Then I'll eradicate your bond" She stiffened all her fingers and the Ethier shifted in sync. My chest perked up and my soul collapsed. I shook off the Ethier with all the energy I built up and stabbed myself in the heart with my Blade.

I kept on the defense and started the Lullaby of voided thought. The Devils skin paled to a thin white and her veins remained a bright red while her fingers and down her palms the bright red liquid was engraved. Her hair started to frizz up and caught a blue fire. She opened her eyes and instead of her blue pupils I was met with blacked out red spotted Ethier eyes. I stayed unfazed thanks to the Lullaby and dug my blade deeper into my heart

"There's no running from the Devil of Myosokai, Wretches like you will grovel at my feet!" She raised both hands and squeezed them to fists while trying to pull her arms apart, as if she was trying to rip me in half.

I just kept digging deeper into my heart until the hilt reached my chest and then I let all my breath out. I finally reached the energy level I needed to reach a state only the most feared Founders could reach. I started the process of a Lullaby that puts the user into a deep coma and at the same time all threats around him or her will be taken care of as the Body and soul see fit. Once all danger is cleared the body will regenerate at levels faster than a nanosecond.

The Devil in Me - The Bright Red PathWhere stories live. Discover now