The scars of Yesterday

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The monster's presence lingered on, bringing forth apprehension to those who had the misfortune of witnessing its frightening form.

The four recalled that night all too well...

Once the dusk settled, darkness spread over the area. A pitch, black void, not even fireflies passed by this place at this time, for even they could sense the dangers lurking.

-"Uh, guys.. I think...We got lost." Wolfgang mumbled, ashamed to admit. He was the assigned map holder, which perhaps wasn't the best idea, for the man's fears grew with the dimming daylight.

Both Maxwell and Willow groaned.

"Give me that" The Magician ordered, snatching the map right out of the Strongman's hands.

He brought the lantern closer to it, inspecting the refined piece of reed thoroughly.

Internally, he scolded himself, he knew giving the cowardly tool the map might not have been the best idea. Sure, he's usually rather good at pointing out directions, however tonight, unsurprisingly, he was on high alert and not at all focused on anything photogrammetry-related.

He supposed he must take the matters into his own hands, because the other three here with him were frankly, less than adequate at these sorts of things.

As his eyes flew over every location they've visited thus far, beads of sweat started forming around his temple. This area... didn't appear anywhere on the map...yet. It must've been a new area that they previously somehow overlooked...

But he could've sworn he took this route before and it didn't lead here.

...Of course, it was all a trick. Admittedly, he used to do this quite often himself when he was on the throne. A simple geographical change. After all, the Constant wasn't one to abide by their world's rules. It was rather amusing, making the survivors so confused and frustrated...Until he was on the receiving end of it. That's when it became aggravating.

-"Alright, calm down you three. This isn't really out of the ordinary here, I'm sure we can figure something out. She's just...messing with us."

Wendy guessed "We've just entered an extremely dangerous location and are about to face our demise by the hand of a raging beast, aren't we?"

-"Ehr...Possibly." The Magician replied.

Willow punched him in the gut, glaring at the man, as he gasped for breath. "Of fucking course! That's what we get for trusting you with anything!"

-"M-me?! How...How the hell is this...My fault?!"

-"Well obviously I can't punch Wolfgang so it automatically becomes your fault! You're the reason we're stuck here in the first place!"

The man groaned, while the aforementioned sheepishly looked away.

Wendy rolled her eyes, stepping away from the rising feud.

She looked up at the sky, the moon nowhere to be found on this foreboding night. Then, she turned toward the forest, all the trees were wearing carved-out faces, staring in their direction, as obscure, eerie sounds came from deeper within the darkness. Perturbed, if only slightly, she hushed out a whisper to Abigail, a silent plea for guidance.

The ghost, a mirror image of herself, slowly emerged from the flowering bud.

The others couldn't see how she truly appeared, unlike herself, they saw a "floating sheet with holes for eyes" Awfully stereotypical...

She always saw the apparitions for what they truly were...Or used to be in most cases.

This place...Had plenty of them, it seemed.

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