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A hot summer evening that was. And predictably...there were still no signs of WX. The survivors carried on, they had to. Whether or not a member was missing, that still wasn't a good enough reason to abandon all their duties in the off chance they might get them back.

At the very least, they were aware of the bot's location, which did ease their worries somewhat, albeit the place in which they were likely situated... did the opposite of that.

There was a mutual understanding between the group, which has been discussed through and through many times before, that once they manage all foremost preparations for the season, they'll resume their attempts at retrieving the person. Regardless of who or what went missing at any given time.

They'll work on a weapon, something that could potentially vanquish the horrifying beast. If they do this right, that is.

As of right now, people busied themselves with various tasks, trying hard not to wallow in the doubled stress.

Winona has been working on refueling the ice-flingomatics, constructing a couple more of them, while she was at it. The pesky forest fires could be quite the handful, not to mention, the random ignition of their dailyhood structures. That wouldn't do, not if she could help it. She thrust the huge chunks of ice into the grinder section of the machine, watching as it turned into fine snow.

Sure hope WX doesn't meet a similar fate...

She tried not to think about what could be happening to the ticker right now, but it was difficult not to. She was convinced that the monster had them held hostage, there was no doubt about it! And so be it, if she ever faces it again, she'll punt it to a pulp if she finds out her brooding wasn't for naught! WX was almost like an annoying little sibling to her, so it would really tick her off if someone who didn't have a permit to kick their ass, did so.

She sighed, sipping on a vegetable stinger, it would be best to focus back on her work, after all, she still had plenty of things to do.

With the help of a few spare down feathers, the survivors were able to build a giant automated fan which currently stood in the middle of the base, adjoined by a couple of endothermic fire pits, a mixture that could cool anyone down practically in an instant. The cold air it produced overlapped the area at all times. People tended to shiver while passing by, in contrast to the near-unbearable heat outside of its range.

Out of the marquee, situated adjacent to it, came Wickerbottom alongside Woodie, assessing their remaining duties, everything was still sheer chaos within the group. And yet... in spite of all the unfortunate circumstances, people had put in their best efforts, they could easily tell.

-"So let's make this clear. Winona is taking care of our flingomatics, Wes made plenty of water balloons for our cooling, Wolfgang and Wigfrid hunted the few Koalefants we recently tracked for their trunks. Warly made plenty of asparagaspatcho and ice cream. Wilson fireproofed our most cardinal structures. Willow was sent to collect resources, Maxwell was tasked with handling extinguishing nearby wildfires, I wove plenty of appropriate clothes for the season, and you collected wood and nitre for the endothermic firepits, is that right?" As always she had her clipboard on her, with all the aforementioned tasks matched neatly with the appropriate person.

-"Yup, sounds about right, ma'am." The lumberjack affirmed.

She nodded, but then hummed, as feelings of doubt overtook her. She sailed deep into her thoughts, trying to configure a thing amiss. She couldn't quite put her finger on it yet... But she was certain they'd forgotten something.

-"Do tell me, dear, do you think there's something we're still missing? I could've sworn this isn't all that we were meant to do."

Woodie scratched at his bare chin, still not used to the blatant lack of his beard, which was forcefully shaven off by his backstabbing 'friends'. Though admittedly, it was somewhat cooler without it...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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