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What did all these words mean? What did they incline to? WX-78 couldn't be more perplexed by this bizarre piece of shiny rock. They were certain they translated the symbols correctly, though there were still plenty of characters left to render...They tried putting the ones they had so far into a sentence together, yet nothing sounded quite right.

'Against the moonlight, there's a darkness, to which the gate guards a monster... ??? '

No. This couldn't possibly be what this said, It seemed completely ludicrous. They suspected it might be some kind of poem, though its context still escaped them.

If only they had the chance to take a better look at the Magician's book, regardless of how ominous it was...

Oh well, they supposed they'd have to make do, the archaic way...

So they tried to put reason into the few words they were given, breaking them down into possible interpretations.

Monster...Could this mean...Wormwood? Or some other beast they haven't yet thought of or seen..?

Gate...Perhaps the entrance to the garden...? Though, they weren't even sure the hieroglyph spoke of this actual place. For all they knew, it could mean an entirely different area!

But...if the former's the case, what could Darkness and Moon have to do with any of this?

This was utter nonsense! Why would there even be a rune about Wormwood and his foolish little garden? Sure it was outlandish, but it's not like it was in any way notifiable or worth the effort to be engraved into a rune...Right?

They scoffed and shook their head, perhaps another day they would figure this out. For now, they'd have to get back to work, after all, they were nowhere near done reforming this wasteland.

In fact, they've noticed significant changes in its atmosphere, although they were unsure what to make of it. At first, they were certain it was for the better, the improvement was blatant. It was becoming less of an eyesore with each new day, appearing more like a disorderly field, one which had survived through rough winters and was just starting to come back to its past glory.

And yet... this was not the case today. Today, something felt off... The eeriness they felt on their first day here came back in full force, though they weren't sure why. Things improved! So why did it feel like something terrible was about to happen at any moment?

They decided to ignore this sudden wave of trepidation, perhaps the toll on their sanity was finally starting to set. Instead, they strove to focus on something else, much more important matters. They will inevitably succeed in fixing this place, making Wormwood satisfied with the changes enough so that he'll set them free and...Then what?

Are they supposed to just return to...these assholes?

After their lack of care? After deeming them useless? After not even being bothered to look for them..? As if! They'd rather see them perish in the most violent ways, of which they'd be the enforcer.

...But on the off chance they did come looking, maybe they were simply too stupid or too cowardly to go search here?

Or maybe they did, yet WX somehow missed them..?

The only instance they could think of when they thought they did hear them call out, was those apparent cunning "birds of prey"...If that was really the case.

Surely Wormwood wouldn't lie about that, right..? Though their certainty diminished somewhat with every passing minute.

On cue, they saw his familiar figure from a distance away, and almost like a spell cast, all thoughts of doubt faded into nothingness, replaced instead by a strong desire to dazzle him speechless, however pathetic that may have seemed... They know, they've gotten plenty of praises from him before. All of them were very factual and true, Yes. That doesn't mean they didn't crave more. They haven't felt this validated since the time Wickerbottom complimented them on their genius creations...It's been a while.

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