The New Mission

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WX-78 didn't enter into rest mode that night. They couldn't. They needed to figure out a way to get out of this place. Theoretically, they could just ask Wormwood if he'd let them out, and they would do that in the morning. As of currently, he wasn't able to resist the temptation of sleep. Such pitiful organic struggles...

As they stared at his ugly, sleeping form, they started to think. Honestly, they could just attempt to leave now. But they'd likely need to climb over that gross wall...As far as they were aware, there wasn't any other way to escape this place. They could potentially try and dig a way out, but they'd first need to get a shovel, and then, they'd have to endure being in the dirt with all the disgusting moleworms and bugs...

They shuddered at the idea. It doesn't matter, it's not like they had that many other options to begin with.

A thought flashed across their mind, what if they just killed him? ...But the trepidation of him waking up before they were able to commit the deed and whatever could happen to them after, made them almost immediately scrap it.

...At least if they'd escape when he's asleep, they might avoid the odds of him rejecting their plea again. They couldn't risk that... They won't let some barely sapient beast hold them hostage like that!

Besides, they needed to return to these buffoons, and soon. Otherwise, not only would they likely all die without their amazing guidance, but they might actually send a search party for them...which is the last thing they'd want right now. If the others managed to find them like this, they don't think they'd be able to live with such humiliation...

There's also the prospect, that they truly didn't care or notice the automaton was missing...For some reason that thought brought a phantom pang to their chassis. How strange...

They violently shook their head. They were having those thoughts again... Okay, no. They had to get out. Now.

They quickly stood up, whilst making as little sound as they feasibly could. They slowly began walking over to the closest wall, making sure they only stepped on dirt and especially avoided the dry leaves or sticks.

As they neared their destination, they became hyper-aware of every noise they made, as they looked back, at the sleeping weed sprout. Thankfully, he seemed yet to have awoken.

They didn't know how deep this creature's sleep was, but they'd already seen how greatly enhanced his perception was. Acknowledging said fact, they did their best to ensure even their internal systems worked as slowly and quietly as they could, without falling into dormancy.

With Wormwood asleep, the eyeballs didn't seem to emit any light, seeing how darkness engulfed the whole garden. They were forced to activate their emergency seeing module's lights.

The LED glow frankly wasn't that bright, but it was enough to keep the darkness at bay, which was all that mattered right now.

Although...the blue tone they emitted looked absolutely ridiculous and made them appear more...innocent than they would've liked...They recoil at the memory of how the humans had called their contemporary pupils... cute.

They didn't use to be blue. They were once off-white, they used to be a lot dimmer too. It was all before...A certain event.

Despite their past, desperate efforts to change the color, that awful shade of blue was a constant, it always somehow, in some way reverted back to it, no matter what they, the Mechanic, or anyone else tried. The others, eventually proclaimed it was the result of a supernatural activity, which only made the bot hate those stupid pupils more.

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