⭐ Interuption ⭐

117 7 4

"Tok Aba?"

That voice. It had snapped then out into the reality from the story. It was Boboiboy. Silence. And shock.
He was not supposed to listen to the story. At least that was what his grandpa didn't wanted him too.

But he failed. Now, Boboiboy had listened to the story which was half way through. He'd be curious to know more about. Which meant more questions this night.

Good luck for Tok Aba for surviving that.

Fang: Boboiboy!?

Yaya: Wait... Weren't you? (Points a finger at Boboiboy)

Boboiboy was standing at the doorstep, he was half drenched. Perhaps, he pretended to go out and stayed by the side where he could listen to whatever they were talking about.

Boboiboy: I-I'm sorry..I-

Fang noticed of Boboiboy being drenched and went next to him and gave a towel to him.

Boboiboy took it silently while Fang looked away from him. Tok Aba was speechless while the girls looked at him. Gopal on the other side, headed to the window and then noticed that there was a storm out side.

Gopal: Hey, it's a storm!

Ying: We haven't noticed! Woah...Its been 4 hours already. And were you standing outside for 4 hours straight??

Boboiboy: Um. I...don't know...

Boboiboy's scratches backside of his head and smiles awkwardly. And something flashes into his mind. About his dad and Reverse fighting with each other.

His eyes started to glow and when it ended, he collapsed on to the group unconscious.

Ying ran up to him while Yaya, Gopal and Tok Aba chased her. Fang just stood in the same place just looking at him. Ying picked him up, grabbed him by chin and started to shake him to wake him up.

Ying: Boboiboy! What's wrong??!

Then while doing that her hand somehow went to his shoulder where it was previously wounded twice. She felt some thing wet on her hand.

And when she investigated further, it was blood. His wounds opened up again.

Ying: Guys! Quick! We have to act quick! It's his wound!

Yaya ran upstairs and dashed into Boboiboy's room and got some bandaid while Fang went into the kitchen and got scissors. After that, they handed the things to Ying.

Ying grabbed the scissors and the needed amount of bandaid and a few minutes later, Boboiboy's wound was covered up. No more bleeding.

Yaya: He must have fainted from that wound...I hope he will get healed.


Yaya: what is it, Fang??


Ying: Woah! Calm down, Fang!

Yaya: Why did his eyes glow??

Tok aba: The exorcist.

Then all the kids turned to Tok aba when he said the word. All were confused.

Tok aba: Please. Give me some time. I will tell the rest next day.

Tok aba gets up and walks to Boboiboy who was unconscious and held him up.

The moment reminded him of the previous memory. Holding his dying son in such a heavy rain and now his normal but unconscious grandson while it was heavily raining outside.

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