⭐ Reverse's Strange behaviour ⭐

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Amato was alone sitting up on his bed in the hospital room. His injuries where all cured except for his knee.
But his condition was way more better that the last time like four days ago. Despite being happy for going out of this from tomorrow, he was stressed thinking about the Reverse's strange personality.
Then when he looked at the window, it showed the pink and orange colours of the sky representing a beautiful sunset which amuse people.
But Amato was not interested in that. He was just staring off into the glass of the window in which his reflection of himself was able to be seen lightly across the bright colours of the sky reflecting into the transparent glass.
What did the reverse mean by possessing him just because he is a good and kind person to show him the corrupted world??
He still thinks in conclusion that what reverse had described the world was eventually true. Even when he cycles back to school in the morning and back to home in the evening, he is still able to see people betraying each other and some even teasing other innocent people because of their personalities and disabilities. While others just bully others. There was no harmony at all.
It's just a harmony masked world with all the disharmony and the corruption inside it...
Reverse was right to punish people who had bad intentions but there is no reason that he had to go too far by ending them.
Then, as Amato still continued looking into the mirror, a vision, from his recent dream of meeting a strange reverse was reflecting in the window.
The same place where the reverse was swinging on a swing in the park just like a child full of hopes and dreams and aspirations. Amato was smiling at the sight but then he started to think (I must have seen something more other than this...) then he closed his eyes to see the same action of reverse but something was strange again. It was not the dull weather and the happy neighborhood. It was something else. Then he focused on reverse's face and he got astonished. He saw a tear. A tear slid down his cheek.
A demon or a monster never let their tears out. But if they did, it would consist of blood or violence or darkness but this was different. The tears coming out of Reverse's eyes had life in them. Asking for peace and hope. There was tiredness in those tears.
Amato snaps his eyes open thinks again, ( He was so like a monster when I first met him, but how come he is a crying kid?)
But still something tells him that he is missing and forgetting something Before he starts to think about that, the world before goes dark. The electricity must have gone down. The room was so dark but still he owes for the sunset light from the window.
As he looks at the lit up direction he notices someone is right next to the light but was standing in the darkness...
Everything was dark. Amato was getting tensed to see that human. But when he investigated that human further by focusing...his eyes widened. The shape of the human, looks like a boy and that boy is identical to Amato. His hairstyle shape was also recognisable.
"R-Reverse?" Amato mumbled.
There was no response. Nothing. And yet he stands just like that. This silence goes straight for a minute.
Amato gulps and starts to call him again, "Reverse. Quit doing t-that. I-its scary..." again no response.
And it still continued to startle Amato like hell.
Then it made a sudden moment that made Amato startle and almost jump out of his bed, also made him felt that he was dead for a second.
When he settled his breathing rates and looked at the same shadow, "AHH!" Amato screamed.
Though everything was dark and even the Reverse's body was dark his eyes...his iris colour was so bright as like a neon light. Red changing from blue and blue changing from red. He put this as an evidence to prove something about reverse. But still he wouldn't get it until Mara says something to him more about Reverse.
Then some omnious noises echoed across the room and Amato closed his ears with his fingers and kept his one eye open to keep an eye on the reverse of he might do something.
The sound was becoming unbearable over time and over second by second. Then he starts to scream. He couldn't even hear his voice because of that sound. If this keeps up he also might lose his hearing sense.
Then the Reverse's eyes turned red. And yet he grinned which was visible through the dark and yet his scarcastic side was up again.
The shadow was walking up to Amato. And Amato could just stay alert but was completely defenseless at this rate...Mechabot was not with him. Nobody was next to him to accompany him. Reverse didn't do anything, and yet he laughed.
"Seriously? Why would I kill you, now? I can't just kill you immediately...."

Amato was startled by that sentence. He mentioned immediately that meant-
Amato: What do you mean 'immediately'? Are you going to kill me later??
Reverse: (Laughs) Just look at your innocence. No, I wouldn't kill you. Because you are a perfect cover for me.
Amato: Cover for you??
Reverse: Huh....You know what? You're dumb....you are not smart enough and yet you keep on asking questions. Although they are quite childish and idiotic.

Before Amato could talk, Reverse snapped his fingers and the sound came again and this was soo loud....Amato couldn't take this sound. His headache was coming up. Screaming. Paining. It was like a torture to him. And then after a minute Reverse snapped his fingers again and smirked at Amato while he breathes heavily from all that screaming. His throat hurts.
Reverse Laughs at the weak kid.
Reverse: I feel really good to see you suffer, Amato.

And Reverse sits next to him and lifts Amato's chin up. And looks straight into his eyes...
Reverse: Hm...What a nice feeling...I can also see suffering in your tears. You're actually cute when you suffer you know that??

All that sarcasm was pissing off Amato. What lies in Reverse's words is that he is a weakling. In his own understanding, a weakling is the one who can't do anything to protect his family. And just compromise at everything even when something is wrong. And when Reverse wanted to see his suffering again from the sound, he started it for the third time.
But this time Amato tried to beat it. By just closing his eyes tightly and there was a acrimonious feeling within him. He wasn't screaming. Then he opens his eyes to reveal pure angriness and dedication burning like a fire in them. He was Immune to the sound.
And he tried to walk with his injured knee. It could have brought an immense pain but he was still walking perfectly and completely fine with it.
Reverse looks and blinks at him and his faded to dissatisfaction.
Reverse: Ey! You don't seem to have any pain now....So bad...I thought I could enjoy it for more...
Amato: You have just shown me a true pain by considering me as a weakling despite of me being a hero. Nothing is painful than that than these. I won't even scream even if you stab or cut through me. I don't even mind of dying now.

There was no fear in Amato in which in turn became a fear and a weakness for Reverse. As he was stepping back as Amato was stepping forward. But Reverse still didn't give up as he smirked back at Amato.
Reverse: I promise you that you will suffer. I will just leave you in the upcoming disaster.
Reverse said and snaps his fingers as he disappears and the lights turned on. And there Ummi, Mara, Pian and Mechabot came into the room and noticed Amato was standing.
Ummi: Amato! Why are you standing? You'll hurt yourself!

Pian and Mechabot get him back to the bed and settle on. Amato was lost in thought and then looked at Mechabot. He then hugged Mechabot. "Thanks for protecting me, Mechabot." He then said. While Mechabot sighs in confusion.

----------------------------------------------------------Chapter 12 will come soon! Whew it was a really hard time thinking about describing the story in detail. As usual to encourage me...please vote and like the story! To tell me that I'm not going anywhere wrong.

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