⭐ Hints of Danger ⭐

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Just as Amato stared at the clock and Pian was staring at him. Amato flinched as he saw something by the window. He wasn't sure of it, since it was just a shadow.

He thought it might be a bird for once. But wait, what if it was something else. As he looked at the window. Someone slamed on the window. They were bruised and the blood was coming out of their mouth.

They wrote something on the window with their finger which was cut and enough blood was coming out. It was a warning.


That word. Made Amato feel more insecured. But wait why weren't anyone looking at that window?? When something horrible like this is seen, everyone should have been panicked. Was he the only one seeing this? Was this just an hallucination?

Apparently, yes. It was a dream. As Pian woke Amato up. He fell asleep.

It was the last period and it was free since the teacher was absent for today. "Amato! Wake up. It's time to go home!" Pian yelled.

"Huh!?" Amato jolted awake. He looks at Pian. "Not home. To that cave!"

"Huh!?" Pian got shocked. As he knew that Mara would be in that cave investigating. And she told him not to make Amato aware of this.

But if he went to the cave this moment. He would find Mara and their 'plan' would be spoiled.

He tried to stop Amato. But Amato was resisting. Pian had no choice but shout at him. Which was unusual.


Amato: Huh?

It sure was unusual since his best friend yelled at him. At this point, it made Amato realise that he was denying his surroundings because of that investigation plan in haste.

It was wrong. He needed to spend time on others too.

Amato: I'm sorry. We'll go later then.
Pian: Huh? I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scream at you.

Amato: No, I know that you didn’t mean it. It was me trying to make things faster. Let’s go.

As they step out of the classroom, Amato smiles and turns back to Pian.

Amato: Would you like to join me in the garage? We’ll go there after 6?

Pian: But 6pm might be dangerous….

Amato: Then what else? Are you trying to say its better not to investigate?

Pian: Umm….No. But, just for today…

Amato: Hmm?

Pian: I-I Won’t be able to join….

Amato: Huh? (Thinks for some time) Okay…Then I’d leave to the cave right away….

Pian: Huh!? Wait, then I’ll join you! 6pm is fine! I will be there at your garage at 5:30pm.

Amato: What is wrong with you?

Pian: Ah! It’s just me!

Amato: I know it’s just you….

As Amato walks away from Pian, he checks the time. It was 3:45 pm which he had more time. And off the way he went back to that cave hoping that Mara would be there investigating.

Later at the Cave-

Pian arrived and walked into the cave. But not deep enough as he found Mara and then, she got shocked as she realized something. Then she turned her head to see Pian.

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