⭐ The Continuation ⭐

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It was a day after when this all happened. Amato was now normal and was discharged from the hospital.

He was sitting and was drawing out his ideas on the table as usual. Nothing seems to worry him this moment. He was like as if he'd forgotten what happened a few days ago.

And Mechabot was playing videogames in his console and everything thing was perfect until Amato got up and showed up his drawing to Mechabot.

"What? Are those the chicken scratches, again??"

"No they are not!! They are some improvements to my bicycle!"

"But it doesn't look like that! It's like your face!" Mechabot giggled.

"Oh really? You call me ugly?? Alright then." Amato takes out the Mechanizer out from his pockets, "Who knows, maybe it's time to know your ugly secrets!"

"Eh...No, no, no! I'm good! And I apologise for that. You are the most good looking person I've ever seen!"
Mechabot claps and praises..

"I can take those apologises, but not definitely those praises..." Amato deadpans at Mechabot. It was 10AM. It was time for breakfast.

Amato pulls Mechabot out of the garage and slams the door shut. The atmosphere was nice and calm as if nothing happened though.

When at the dining table, Tok Aba and Amato were watching TV news as usual while Mechabot was gobbling up the curry puffs and Amato was eating them really slow.

The Tv announcement said that there two murders in the city located under the bridge.

"Huh!?" Amato jolted. And Mechabot stopped eating the curry puffs looking at the TV. It was two teen boys.

When they showed their dead Bodies, Tok Aba covered his eyes, Ummi and Mechabot turned away from the TV and Amato just stared at the TV in shock. "W-What!?" Amato said for himself. The sight was so bad that he was about to vomit and then he took the remote and turned the TV off.

Later, he runs back to room jumps onto his bed in haste and contacted Mara and Pian whether they had checked the news.

"I had!" Pian said worriedly. And Mara said, "Who could have killed them in such a way!?"

"I know right!?" Amato panicked. Mechabot was just aside him listening to the conversations.

The picture flashes into Amato's mind. The murder was really brutal. Broken bones and halfly burnt bodies and their ribs open.

"Whatever it is! I am going to investigate!" Amato said for himself. And Pulling Mechabot out with him again. "Hey!!"


Mara: oh no! Amato is going there without us, alone!! I've gotta go to!

Mara informs her mom that she was going out and left to the spot.

And that goes for pian as well. Pian also leaves to the spot.

Then at the Bridge-

Amato has arrived to the place a bit later when everything over there was done. For only that he could see 'do not cross' tapes so that he could not get rid of any evidence.

As he was investigating the lines marked as how the dead bodies were in a position when discovered. Then Mechabot saw Mara and Pian coming his way and unmechanises from the bicycle. And follows.

"Amato!" Mara yelled.
"I'm here, guys!!" Amato yelled back waving back at them to come here.

Mara and Pian looked the crime scene. And Mara, being an observant person, noticed the blood drops and found out that they could take them to a direction.

"Look! These blood drops! It seems like they'll take us somewhere here." Mara starts to push herself in the wheelchair and Pian and Amato followed her.

"Looks like they have dragged out all over the way here.." Amato described looking at the blood stains.

"It seems like. They didn't notice.." pian continues.

Then at last. They were being led to a cave. All of them gulped and Amato said, "Do you all think, it happened here?"

"Maybe. Let's go. In." Mara says and pauses. She goes in first while the other two boys go after her.
As they went in much deeper, they were shocked by the sight in the cave.

Huge symbols drawn out by blood. It was clear that the murderer used the victim's blood after being killed them. But too bad for Amato as he went further, he saw something that he shouldn't have.

He came outside running fast and vomitted. Pian came after him and checked on him what happened.

"Please... Don't go in there!" Amato warns pointed at the direction which was further more in from Mara's distance.

Pian hesitated but nodded that he wouldn't go inside but Mara. She was not listening to him and went inside to check out what it was.

"MARA! DON'T GO!" Amato yelled but she already went in.

As she went further in, the smell was becoming stagnant. It was so bad that he covered her nose. But she went in and looked at it. Her eyes were widened.

It was another small symboled circle. But. There was a ripped out heart in the middle. Blood flowing out from it. It was still beating slowly. She was also about to vomit but caught it up. That circle. It reminded her of that same in the book and in the mountain where the battle had happened.

She shot her glare to Amato who was looking at her in shock. And left that place just like that.

"No way." Mara said breathing kind of hard.

Amato: Do you think we should inform this to the authorities?

Pian: Yeah. He's right. I guess. What was in there??

Amato: You better not know.

Mara: Let's just keep this for ourselves will we??

Amato: But why?

Mara: I said let's just keep it within ourselves! Let's leave before anyone comes and finds us.

Pian: Alright.

And then there everyone left the spot just as it was and went home. Later, Mara went back home and took out the book and started to investigate more.

The gold lines of the book shined as well as her eyes shined in gold colour too. Meanwhile, Amato was sitting in his Garage and started to take up the pictures and was pinning them on the board to find connections.

And Pian was just trembling about the matter sitting alone.

(What is going to happen, after this?)

Kind of violentful right? I know.

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