⭐ Losing You... ⭐

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As Reverse Amato was still on his way walking up to the room where Boboiboy would be as he had expected...
But as they both, Reverse Amato and Reverse Mechabot were coming near to the room, the odd and suspicious feeling in them suddenly shot up in heights.

Reverse Mechabot: I think...I feel more odder than usual!

Reverse Amato: What could it be? Is it coming from this room?

After this short talk, Reverse Amato opens the door to see something unexpected as his eyes widen in shock and horror.

He couldn't hear anything from that shock as his eyes were laid on something. And continues to be laid on. He can't takes his eyes away. His body was frozen. Reverse Mechabot behind was also the same....

"Noooooo! not again! Not again!"

Reverse Amato yelled out as he skid on his knees.

It was Boboiboy again. But this time it was reality. He fell on the floor unconscious as the blood from his mouth was dripping out intensely. He lost a lot of blood as he saw a small pool of slight crimson colour on the floor.

Boboiboy: (Gasps) Ha!......

There some unstable moments in his body as he rapidly moved his arms and legs as he was having seizure. It made Reverse Amato to feel more afraid and asks him to calm down having a grip on him to immoblize him from those movements.

Reverse Amato: No! Calm down! Calm down! I seriously ask you to calm down! It's me! Please!!!!

Reverse Mechabot knew what to do as he went out of the room hastily. While Reverse Amato Continues to do anything to calm him down.
As he cries...the tears slide down from his cheek in black colour. But as it falls on Boboiboy's cheek..it turns into pure water crystal.

Then Boboiboy suddenly stopped and eventually calmed down. But hiccups were coming up. He slowly shifts his stare from the ceiling to Reverse Amato's face. His eyes and cheek where with full of black tears.

Boboiboy: I...I'm.. sorry.....I... didn't...mean..to be....be harsh....on...you...*hic*

Reverse Amato: It's not the time to apologise Boboiboy!!! Tell me what happened!!!!

Boboiboy: I.....Reverse....Is ...is...Taking ...over...! *Hic*

Reverse Amato: Reverse!? H-How!?

Then Boboiboy lost his consciousness as he slowly closes his eyes. Reverse Amato checks if he is still breathing or not. Thank god he was breathing.

He wanted to rush things up for him so that he wouldn't suffer! But how is he gonna do it!? He doesn't know what happened!! And the witness or the victim is unconscious so that he can't know the story.

???: I-I know.

Reverse Amato: Huh?

It was Thorn who was leaning on the leg of the table. Guess he was also injured after all. There were some visible wounds on his arms and his face.

Reverse Amato: T-Thorn!?

Thorn: I know...what happened!
Me and Boboiboy were taking a trail through the station and suddenly we saw a room which was unusual. We both decided to check and we found out...that there were lot of aliens killed. The ones who especially work here. All were living in an illusion! Nobody realised that the count of aliens in this station where going down. But when we wanted to alarm all others... Boboiboy was acting weird.

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