⭐ Where It All Re-began ⭐

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It was still mid in afternoon, one more hour it would be evening when the sun sets. And yet, Boboiboy and shadow both stare at each other ready to charge with each other.
Boboiboy goes first by using Thorn's power by shooting paralyzing leaves at the robot. The speed of the leaves was too slow for the robot.
Shadow bot: Haha! You won't kill me, or... I won't die until I have given this whole thing to you! (Then uses spinning blades and throws against him)
Boboiboy: Let's see (Dodges and jumps up in the air and turns into Wind) Why did you have to pick me? (spins the tornado to the robot)
Shadow bot: Because (Goes inside the tornado and jumps up to boboiboy to give him a punch) You are unique and have elemental powers which is perfect for my 'test subject!'

And then it hits him and boboiboy falls onto the ground and comes back to the balance and turns into Quake to oppose the robot's punches.
Shadow bot: HEHE! You surely don't want to use up your remaining energy by using your powers to fight me. You are in bad shape right now, Boi.
Boboiboy: That explains why you had decided to attack me at this time! But I can still beat you! (Creates a shield around him using Quake's powers and then transforms into ice and starts shooting arrows towards the robot)
Shadow bot: You sure are confident and... A skilled archer too. It is not enough to defeat me. Because I have attacked the ones with these kind of skills before! (Jumps back dodging the rain of ice arrows and uses shadow powers to control the wind and revert the arrows back to boboiboy)
Boboiboy: (Looks at the backfiring arrows and turns into blaze to defend himself from the ice arrows) At first, my dad said about you to me and second ask my grandfather about the earlier experiment? How do you know them all? (Then launches fireballs with full power against the robot)
Shadow bot: (Holds the fireball) About the experiment, you can also ask your dad about it. But, poor one he is not with at the moment, doesn't he? (Throws the fireball back)
Boboiboy: YOU DON'T NEED TO FEEL SAD ABOUT IT!! (Jumps through the fireball and acts fast of dashing through the robot and at once pins it to the tree by thunderstorm's blades) That should shut YOU up for a while!

Shadow bot: You may have pinned me to paralyze me but not my mouth... So how can I shut up?
Boboiboy: I had a reason to not to shut you up! I have 3 questions and you must answer them!
Shadow bot: Alrighty...
Boboiboy: How did you find me and how did you know about my condition?
Shadow bot: That's actually two questions, but still, I will make it as one. With the help of the dark energy inside you, I was able to find out where you were and the condition of yours.
Boboiboy: Then what about my dad and my grandpa!? How do you know them!?
Shadow bot: All I can say is, your dad was the victim, and your grandpa was the witness of his own son!
Boboiboy: What!? What did you do to them!?
Shadow bot: Na-a-ah! This is not the question you actually want.
Boboiboy: Stop it! Fine, what will happen to me if you give me this dark energy!?
Shadow bot: To curious to know, eh? I won't tell you to see it for yourself. All I want is you to suffer and kill!
Boboiboy: YOU!! (he was ready to raise the other blade to behead the robot and kill it but before that)

When boboiboy looked behind him, it was his friends, Ying, Yaya, Gopal, Fang and Ochobot. Behind them was his grandfather, Tok aba.
Boboiboy: Hey! Don't come here or he will harm you!
Ying: Who? What!? Shadow bot!?
Shadow bot: Hey, there Tok aba, it's been a few years, didn't it?
Ying, Yaya, Gopal, Ochobot and Fang: WHAT!? YOU KNOW HIM!?
Tok aba: You are back again? First my son and now my grandson? Leave him alone!
Boboiboy: Atok-(gasps)

Shadow bot had stabbed him again on the same spot where it stabbed him with the prism previously. This time the remining dark energy went inside him and the prism automatically came off. Boboiboy now ended the robot by giving multiple slashes from the thunder blades and fell on his knees onto the ground gasping as if he wasn't able to breathe. Shadow bot was glitching behind him and looked at him as if smiling.
"Now... Suffer... Just ... Like your dad." And those were the last words of the robot, and it has ended itself from the world after a millennium. Boboiboy was curled up on the grass as if he was cold and when his friends tried to approach him, he suddenly stopped moving and breathing for a second. His friends were shocked at the time. Then, he stood up with his head down as if staring at his feet and was moving forward against them while they stepped backward.
Then, he looked up at Fang revealing his eyes glowing red. "Fang... This... is because... of YOU!"
It was thunderstorm, and everyone except for Tok Aba was sure. Red eyes, that angriness and black and scarlet dress would show that it was thunderstorm.
Fang: When did you split up, thunderstorm!?

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