⭐ How They Met ⭐

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"Thanks for Covering me up, Boboiboy." Reverse Amato walked up to him while Boboiboy was getting startled by himself and was getting himself up ready to fight.

Reverse Amato: Hey, didn't I say that I was harmless?

Boboiboy: Stop talking like your funny! I only trusted you because you looked like my dad!

Reverse Amato: Oh really? You could even recognize your dad in this 'kid' form?

Boboiboy: Why wouldn't I!? He is my dad!

Reverse Amato: Right, right! I didn't mean to make you angry all of sudden......

Boboiboy: Why did you almost make me lie that I was the exorcist? I'm not that stupid Exorcist!

Reverse Amato: Lie? (Chuckles) Seriously? It is the truth! You are the exorcist! (Sighs) Look. I might look like the one in your nightmares but, I'm different. Like the one in the story that Tok Aba told you.

Narrator: A few minutes ago, when Thunderstorm and Tok aba were knocked out by the strange light, Boboiboy woke up right after they fell asleep, and he saw Solar freaking out like crazy and his maniac laughs hasn't stopped.

Boboiboy: What the heck is wrong with him?

Boboiboy ran up to Solar and he was found taking a scissor and was trying to hurt himself by trying to cut the nerves on his wrist.


And Boboiboy caught him by trying immobilize Solar's body and threw out the scissors somewhere. Then, the beam of light stopped which attracted the attention of Boboiboy to that direction.

Boboiboy: Where did that light come from anyway?

Then Reverse Amato jumped into the room from the window and snapped his fingers to lift up Solar right on to the air. As if he was using psychic.

"Burn to Ashes!" that spirit yelled, and the yellow light started to multiply into rays and shot into Solar head making his eyes glow and pass out. And Boboiboy was all there watching everything. It all happened so fast.

Boboiboy: What did you do to him!?

Reverse Amato: Woah! Calm down! I'm harmless! I just saved Solar from the Insanity curse!

Boboiboy: What is that, now!?

Reverse Amato: He just said some spells out loud and he was affected. He wasn't the exorcist, so, he got affected!

Boboiboy: What do you mean by that!?

Reverse Amato: Look. Did Tok Aba tell you that story?

Boboiboy: He didn't tell me. I heard it.

Reverse Amato: Whatever it is. An exorcist is the one that saves the possessed person by pulling out the spirit. By some scared spells. And a normal person like you......and that also includes some elemental souls like Solar to get affected when you say it out loud. Nothing would happen.

Boboiboy: Then what's this insanity curse, now!?

Reverse Amato: That is what you get when your affected. It could destroy you mentally and make you kill yourself like Solar did before.

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