"Please, I'm sorry."

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[quick summary, hyunsu and eunhyuk have a "little" fight] (TW: swearing, mentions of sh, might trigger some people. skip if u want, more detail summary will be at the end)

"Hyunsu, listen-"

"No! Is that all I am to you? A fucking hound dog?"

"No, you're misunderstanding-"

"You're lying! It's true what I'm saying, isn't it?!"

"NO IT'S NOT." Eunhyuk yells.

Hyunsu's eyes widen and he backs up. "I-I'm sorry. Hyunsu.."

The taller male starts tearing up and runs out the camera room.

"Hyunsu! Wait! Stop!" Eunhyuk runs after the boy.

"Jeez..you really fucked up this time, huh?" Jae-Hwan comments.

"Shut the fuck up, go do your skincare or something." Eunyoo says, glaring at Jae-Hwan as her brother runs after Hyunsu.

"Hyunsu, please!" Eunhyuk bangs on the door of the arcade. "Please! Let me in, stop pushing yourself against the door."

Hyunsu doesn't listen and continues sobbing silently against the rough metal door. "Hyunsu.."

Eunhyuk and everybody else near the two go silent, the only other sound that could be heard was distant chattering and sniffling.

"I understand if you need some space. I'll be in the camera room."


No response.

"Bye Hyunsu."

... Eunhyuk tells everyone to go back to what they were doing and he also goes back to the camera room.

Jisu sneaks past Eunhyuk and goes to knock on the arcade's door. "Hyunsu? It's me, Jisu."

The arcade door opens when she slightly pushes it. "Hyunsu?" The first thing she sees is Hyunsu lying on the floor, the second thing she sees which makes her freeze on the spot is a razor blade next to Hyunsu.

She shrieks when she sees Hyunsu's wrists, and immediately starts sprinting to the camera room.

She shoves the door open and sees Eunhyuk sitting in his chair staring at the cameras, seeming to be dazed or deep in thought. He turns to Jisu and stands up. "Yes?"

"Hyunsu! It's- he-JUST COME!" She grabs his hand and starts running to the arcade again.

Once she reaches there she shoves the door open and steps aside so Eunhyuk can see.

He just stands there, in shock. "Well?! Do something?!"

"Wh-when did you find him like this?"

"Just a few minutes ago.."

"Shit, uhm- Jisu, go get Yuri and tell her to go to the hospital room."

"Alright." Jisu starts running to the main room and starts searching for Yuri.

Eunhyuk picks up the unconscious boy and runs to the hospital room but slow enough so he doesn't drop him. Eunhyuk slows down and walks to the hospital bed, placing the taller boy on the bed softly.

0Jisu, you may leave now. Make sure no one else enters the room."

Jisu nods and quietly exits the room, closing the door behind her.

Yuri grabs some bandages and Eunhyuk moves aside, still staring at Hyunsu.

"Eunhyuk, could you give me the cleaning wipes?"


"Eunhyuk hands her the wipes and watches as she cleans the wounds and cuts on Hyunsu's right wrist.

Eunhyuk feels himself tearing up but can't bring himself to stop staring at the boy.

Soon, she starts to apply the bandages to his wrists. Once she's finished, she turns around and her eyes widen.

"Eunhyuk, are you crying?"

"Ah? Oh..no. I-I'll go check if-if he has anymore razor blades with him."

He says, trying to hide the fact he's crying.

"Alright, I'll stay here incase he wakes up."

"Okay, and uh..thank you. Yuri."

"No problem, have a good day."

"You too." Yuri softly smiles before she turns around.

Eunhyuk goes to Hyunsu's "room" if you could even call it that, and looks for any razors other than the one that was on the floor that he used.

He lifts up the mattress and drops it in disbelief. "1..2, 3, 4, 5...13?!" Thirteen blades, 6 of which are like pocket sized lay under the mattress of which Hyunsu sleeps on.

What the fuck? Eunhyuk thinks to himself. He carefully grabs all the razors, and the recently used one.

He at first thought about just trashing them, but there's a chance Hyunsu might find them.

He decides to sneak out to a big dumpster outside the apartment, but being extra careful of the monsters.

He didn't care for the consequences if he were to be caught by these creatures, he wanted to make sure Hyunsu never even saw the blades again.


okay so basically Hyunsu and Eunhyuk have an argument on how Hyunsu is used as a "hound dog" to Eunhyuk and the others and Eunhyuk strongly disagrees, he raises his voice, Hyunsu gets upset, cries, and runs off. Later Jisu finds Hyunsu uhm..(i truly apologize if this triggers you but there's no other way to say it) self harming. (more specifically to his wrists) and calls Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk panics and brings him to Yuri and Yuri treats Hyunsu. then Eunhyuk goes to see if Hyunsu has any more (blades) and finds more. he trashes them outside the apartments so Hyunsu never finds them again. the end. 👏👏👏

word count - 851

♡︎ 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚔𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now