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(college dorm AU, hyun and hyuk share a dorm and eunyoo left hyuk for jisu cz she got led lights) [KIND OF INSPIRED IN A WAY BY A FANFIC I READ ON A03!!]


Eunhyuk writes, a lot.

That's something Hyunsu knows for sure. He's always in his room, writing something in his notebooks.

He has hundreds, but he seems to like the red and black one with horns on the back the most, kind of surprising since he seems like a pretty calm and collected guy.

The rest of the notebooks he has are white.

Plain white.

Hyunsu's seen them before, just never read them.

He's asked to, but Eunhyuk seemed hesitant for the first time before he accepted so he just decided not to read through them.

Until one day, his curiosity took over. He went to the shorter male's room, and scanned it for the notebooks.

Once he spotted them, he sat down on the wooden floor and grabbed one of the used white notebooks.

He knew it was used because Eunhyuk always marked his finished notebooks with a check mark at the top left corner.

He flipped over the cardboard piece and started reading, it was a little hard since Eunhyeok wrote in cursive but he could read it fine.

He noticed it was a story about a boy who seemed to be going through a lot, struggling with family and love issues while trying to keep everything together and finish med school.

Hyunsu notices the "main character" is awfully similar to Eunhyuk but he just brushes it to the side.

As he reads further and flips more pages, he also sees how the character "Ji-Yeong" is struggling pretty bad with his mental health.

Damn. Is Hyuk okay? How does he come up with this. Hyunsu thinks.

He flips a few more pages, suddenly becoming invested in this story, but then it's cut short.

Like, the writing just stops on a page that's a couple few after the middle of the notebook.

Hyunsu is confused cause if it weren't finished why would Eunhyuk mark it with a check mark?

Hyunsu starts flipping through more pages and just as he thought, the rest are empty.

He grabs another notebook and they all seem to end and some point without reaching the end.

And they're all about this boy..Who is Ji-Yeong? Hyunsu thinks.

Just then he hears footsteps and he closes the notebooks. As he gets off Eunhyuk's floor, he's about to leave the room when Eunhyuk opens the door.

"Hyunsu? What're you doing in here?"

"Uhh-I uh- forgot my tampon.."


"Yeah?" Hyunsu asks while grinning.

"We're boys."



"Bye!" Hyunsu pushes past Eunhyuk and runs out the door.

Welp. There he goes. Eunhyuk thinks.

He sighs as he closes the door and goes to sit down at his desk.

Before he sits down he grabs a notebook from underneath his desk and then starts writing in it.

Maybe I should stop writing about this imaginary about..Hyunsu?

Eunhyuk immediately flips to a blank page and starts writing about the boy who has taken up his heart and mind.

He's so beautiful. He thinks as he continues his writing.

mmmmkay I GOT ANOTHER CHAPTER OUT GAYS HERE U GOOOO 😻😻😻😻 SORRY FOR THE WAIT - if you've been reading my hidden love book thingy idk you'd know i have been struggling with ideas on how to fix the cringiness i came up with like 274628383 decades ago 😾 but anyways byeee lyyyy <33

word count - 594

♡︎ 𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚔𝙷𝚢𝚞𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now