Part 5

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After Mahira was accompanied to her room by Sanaah, she took her time to observe the mind pleasing enclosed space.

The room has a touch of British charm, with large vintage mirrors by the window, adorned with a delicate lace curtain. The walls are a soft shade of pastel paint, like a gentle blush or a calming lavender. A cozy reading nook with a plush armchair and a bookshelf filled with classic novels, perfect for quiet moments. Not to forget a beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling, casting a warm and inviting glow.

'It's a room fit for a sophisticated person.' Mahira taught.

She then frantically brought out her phone from her pearl fashion purse and begin to take snapshots of the unexplainably resplendent and very attractive room, sending it to the one cockroach in her life who she can't do without, he's like a seasoning in her life which makes her life tastier.

She then retain the phone on the embellish vanity table before sauntering into the walk in closet attached to a tremendous bathroom which did a good job in grasping her attention, she wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life inside such elegant scope.

After recognizing the stylish surrounding, she hesitantly walked back into the room and settled down on the large butterfly bed before her phone started to buzz from the vanity table she placed it earlier.

She sauntered to the vanity table to get the phone in prior to its ending, and when she checked the caller's name, It was her one and only best friend. ALEX! She picked the call without wasting much time.

An ear piercing 'hello' came from the other line, making her to move the phone away from her ear for a second.

She switched the phone call to a FaceTime video and placed the phone on the nearest stool.

"Uhm uhm!Alex, no shouts allowed!" She dramatically warned him immediately he switched the call, to which he whimpered.

"Oh! I can't help it, my babe is more than a trillion kilometers away from me." he replied her while clutching to the left upper side of his shirt.

"You're unbelievable!" She laughed falling on her large pink butterfly bed.

"I know. Are that pictures of your room you sent me or is it some fairytale stuff that you're watching and then decided to send me? Do tell me, right from your landing, what happened?"

"Ah! To begin with, yh! That are pictures of my room, they're too virtuous to be true right? I know. And about what happened, nothing much. After landing, we were drove to the Aliyu Murtala residence. The house's large and beautiful, we met our aunt, her daughter named Sanaah and her stepson, Man. Apparently Inna Ammi demands that we freshen up and take a nap before dinner is served and Sanaah accompanied me to my room which is on the second floor and I did sent you the pictures of the room." She rambled.


A loud alarm sound came from the door making Mahira to jump up.

"What was that?" A concerned Alex asked.

"I have no idea, i guess someone is by the door, i got startled by the unpleasant sound" she replied chuckling.

"Oh! Hold the phone and check!" He heaved a sigh.

"Okay!" She made her way to the door and pulled it apart.

She was met with the sight of a cute giggling Sanaah, and beside her, a young lady clad in a regular chefs outfit stood with a trolley of food.

"I'm so sorry ma'am, I stopped her from using the alarm button but she was adamant. I can see you got startled from the look on your face right now." The lady smiled apologetically.

"Ahhaa! Hello miss gorgeous, take this as a big welcome from me." The girl laughed toothily at her.

Mahira couldn't help the smile that crept its way to her face. She opened the door ajar ushering them inside, which they gladly entered.

"Miss gorgeous, her name is Maria, she's my favorite." Sanaah introduced the maid to Mahira while jumping on Mahira's lap.

"Sanaah that's what you always say, i guess everyone is your favorite." Maria said while rolling her eyes.

"Oh, Maria by Allah I'm for real, ke ne ma kike dauka min chocolate without Ammi's permission." The girl honestly stated while raising her hands in defense, making them to burst into fits of laughter.

"Kai auta you're too much, let's allow her to rest, we brought some desserts, boba and hot noddles for you miss gorgeous." Maria said and scooped Sanaah up from Mahira's lap.

"Oh not you too please, my name is Mahira but the government name is Rachida." She stated and stood up to accompany them to the door.

"Your names are as beautiful as you are, but i still prefer the miss gorgeous." Maria said while giggling.

"Okay ma'am, as you wish! And i really did enjoy your presence, thanks for the food." She smiled at them.

"Thank you miss gorgeous, be rest assured you'll be having more of it every day." Sanaah who has been playing with her long curly ponytailed hair chirped and ran out of the room while yelling a 'byeeeeee'!

Mahira went back inside her room and shut the door. That was when she realised Alex was still on the call.

"You're still on the call?" She asked him.

"Yh! Who were they? I heard something like rami.....amari....mara"

"It's Maria!" She chuckled at the way he's trying hard to pronounce the name.

"Uhm nice, guess I'll let you have your meal and rest, I'll be leaving for the gym later tonight, so I need a good rest. I want us to discuss Jamal's issues later or tomorrow, so.....see yah when i see yah!"

"Aha, bye!" She answered and cut the call when he didn't say anything.

Her mind drifted to Jamal's taught, he doesn't pick her calls again, neither does he reply her text messages.

•Rich and worthy men are fantasising a day you'll consider their love for you and give them a chance. Because of your striking beauty, you're being loved and regard as the MS.LONDON! A title every teenage girl wants to be named, you bagged this title without even making any effort my dear.

Why are you wasting your time on him and he even has the guts to forbid you from calling him unless you succeed in disobeying your dad. The man that nurtures you, provide for you and go against anyone else on account of what you want, now you can't fulfil this single request of his?!

As a true believer, you are not supposed to go against your parents wish as long as it doesn't halter your faith and religion.•

These were nanny B's exact words when Mahira explained to her the actual truth about why she's against their relocation to Nigeria.

Mahira jolted out of her trance with a heavy sigh, she can't seem to take him off her mind. He was her first and only boyfriend in the world.

Mahira can't seem to take her mind off him?
I really think he has bewitched her, if not whyyyy?
Is he that handsome?
Who wants to know what he's bagged?😭

Pardon my manners!
Hey everyone!🤭
How are you taking pleasure from this book so far?
Let me know as your comments really really reallyyyy matters!
Thanks as you do so!


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