A real father stays
A real Father is someone who cares for their children
A real father takes time to spend with his kids
A real father doesn't make his children clean up after him
A real father doesn't rely on stimulates to get through the day
A real father doesn't blame the mother for everything
A real father doesn't call his child useless
A real father doesn't call his child worthless
A real father doesn't treat his daughters differently from their sons
A real father shows up to things
A real father gives you a ride to school on a rainy day
A real father takes care of his children
But My father chose to do things differently
We share one last name
That is all we have in common
My father never let me play with my brother, and him
My father made me care for my siblings
My father blames my mother
My father only went to things for my brother
My father made me clean up after him
His Alcohol was all over the floor
The smell of cigarettes throughout the house
My father called me useless
My father called me worthless
On rainy days we walked through the rain
Shoes wet and soggy
Where was he, well passed out in his chair
Felling sick, don't worry, still had to do chores
My father didn't care for me
"You're too much like your mother"
"Go do the dishes; don't care if you're sick"
"Go play; time for me to watch my shit"
"Go get me a beer"
"Make your own dinner"
"Don't touch anything in the kitchen"
"Get out of the bathroom"
"Stop crying"
"Sit there till bedtime"
Don't worry; He didn't stay
Short Heartbreaking Stories
Short StoryRead at your own risk. These stories are not real but are true feelings I have so I made them stories. Some maybe depressing, sad, and the truth.