Her mothers note

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My mom wrote me this on August 27, 2018.
I know you are battling demons in your mind. I see it everyday. I'm sorry I never said anything. You are just so much like me and I can't help myself. I failed as a mother because I don't know how to help you. I'm afraid my failures have damaged you to the point I can't help. I'm so sorry.
You know you don't always have to be strong. You don't always have to have help others. You are allowed to be angry, frustrated, happy, excited, confused, Etc. Just be you.

I noticed the change in you. Dark clothes, no laughing, you don't talk to me anymore. I'm hoping by writing to you, that you will start opening up to me about what's going on. You are an amazing young lady with a passion, I wish I had. My job is to be strong. Your job is to enjoy being a teenager.
Love Mom

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