Frisk: After Dark

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Once we arrived at the market, Chen was just outside turning off the store lights before he turned to us and smiled with a wave. 

Walking over to him, he handed me a key before saying, 

"This is a backup key for employees at the store. You can place it right in the back of the store behind the grocery poster that has a hole where we place the key."

"Thank you so much, Mr.Chen." I thanked him as Chara then added, "We truly appreciate your help."

"Of course, I hope you all find what you're looking for." Chen bows with a smile, "And also, if you need to call here is my number." He says softly as he hands both of us a business card. 

After thanking him for the umpteenth time, he made his way back to his car to head home while Chara and I made our way into the market through the employee door.  

The vast contrast of the store in the morning to the nighttime in my eyes was beyond uncanny. 

Bustling crowds of customers, the Christmas music ringing from across the store, carts and children laughing at the sight of some of the employees who were dressed as Santa Claus even though December just started merely days ago. 

And in the night, it was dark and silent. Every footstep that me and Chara made echoed across the building, while our flashlights were the only light that was keeping us from seeing nothing but pitch black. 

"Okay.." Chara croaked out, "I can check the lounge room, and you can check the security cameras if that's alright with you."

"Sounds like a plan." I hummed in response, and we departed once we initiated the plan. 

I walked into the small security room filled with tapes, boxes, and a TV in the middle of the unkempt clutter. Chen thankfully left a note on top of the TV that showed how to get to the right footage. 

After a few button taps and clicks on the computer under the TV, I managed to find the security footage days before the event took place. 

The only hard part was finding the suspect in such a big crowd..

Rushing customers were splattered all over the footage, and the high chances of me finding him within this madness could take me hours..

 But, thankfully, I managed to find him in fifteen minutes. A whole week before the incident, he was seen speed walking across the store for about three minutes before sneaking into the staff lounge and never returning out through the rest of the footage. 

This was once in a lifetime in which I let out an audible squeak of joy.

As an adult. . . 

A grown ass. . 22-year-old. . adult. . 

Ignoring that this very moment has ever happened, my triumph then cooled down from the shivers that ran down to my spine. The man was in clear sight of the camera. If it wasn't for the damned face mask we would have had the asshole's head on a stick by now.

But suddenly, as I watched this was like the room got colder the more I watch it. .

And once in the very moment of the room getting colder. . the masked man's eyes stared dead into the camera.. 

Almost as if he was staring deep into mine. . 

He stood just like that, for almost a half of a minute . . fear and exhilaration was the only thing that kept me standing as still as the man, staring deep into each other's pupils. 

Another thing was to notice was like it seemed as if someone was right in the room. . 

Staring me down. . 

Breathing down my neck. . 

Chuckling at my vulnerability. . 

Waiting for the right time to strike. . 


I was met by a harsh blow in the back of my head, a heavy weight pressing against my body as I could only push at the weight's thick clothing. 

I tried to scream, but their gruff hands clamped around my throat the minute I tried to audibly cry out for help.

In the mere dark I could only feel my heart beating out of my chest, ringing in my ears as my hands threw down every item that could make the loudest noise to indicate that I was in a struggle. 

The person didn't let up; they kept their hands tight around my air ways as I heaved below them. 

Grasping at a VHS tape, I let out a strained yell before I throw it towards the direction in hopes that maybe it would stun the person somehow. . 

But. . it didn't . . 

Their hands were still there, even with my nails nearly scrapping the person's skin off yet there was no avail to their grasp. 

Tears ran down my face, as I could hear ringing echoing in my head as everything fluttered out to dark .  . .


a.n: I told you we needed more glitter 😒✨

I'm so sorry for the long hiatus AGAIN ;-; but I promise that I'm going to write as much as I can bcz I miss yall so much!! <3

take care of yourselves always, I love you all, and have a great rest of your weekend!!

Until the next update that is coming soon (real)



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