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To be honest, I can only be honest to one parent. My dad is fine with it but I don't think I have his full support. If I told my mom she would get so mad that I don't think I could face her again, I don't know any other way to explain it.
I am more than sure than my mom HATES therians and furies(I don't) in the barn I told my mom jokingly that I was a furry to see her reaction because I was a therian. She flipped and told me "your human. Nothing else"( I thought I don't want to be human, and I don't feel fully human) and at that moment I knew if I told her the truth something bad would happen, so I keep it to myself.
I'm not sure my dad is totally on board with it but I think he might have forgotten, but I knew if I explained it to him he might understand because he's understanding, or mite not understand.
(No offense to furies in this chapter. Some people are haters)

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