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I was across the road with my friend playing around, when this car came speeding up at like 90 miles an our then stopped up ahead, turned around then began creeping back down very slowly, and kept getting slower the closer it was to the house. Then it stopped a little past the driveway . Me and my friend ran right inside and I literally told her.
"Get the hell inside!"
I didn't even talk about myself, but I ran after her and ran inside the house and locked the door and told my friend's older sister. The older sister went outside and the person said.
"You have cute cows."
We were so relieved. It literally could have been a zozulya kidnapper or murderer.
We laughed In relief after, my friend said her heart was beating in her chest, mine was too a little.
Then we ate something until it was time for me to come home after my mom yelled at me.


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