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Warning- Cussing

Today was the worst day of my life.
First the moronic Isabella's made me so f*cking p*ssed that I yelled at them at the top of my lounges in the middle of gym.
Then after I went to lunch and my math teacher sent me to the councilors to write a report about those two piece of sh*t people.
Isabella K literally said "oh she did not just say that to me"
Then she said,"
Next time I see you in the hallway I'm going to beat your ass"

I'm literally like,
I'm taller than you.
I'm bigger than you.
I'm stronger than you.

She's tiny
She's scroungy.

I can literally slap her and she'll fly to the moon
Oh, how much I hate them.

I hate them I hate I hate them I hate them I hate    them I hate them I hate them I hate them

I have such a headache right now. Where I live it's about 4:05 p.m got done with school around three  .

This is what school stands for-


It's even more of the C. Thanks to those idiots.
I also forgot my book at home, I would have really needed it today.

This is one of the worst day of MY LIFE

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