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Well for the people that must think I have a bad attitude I'm sorry you think that way. But think about it this way.
Some things about me.
1. All my friends made new friends
2. It's hard to talk to someone new when you literally are shyer than hell and can't really talk to others well
3. I have a harder time than most people with things.
4. Imagine that you had a favorite pet that was basically your best friend, had died or disappeared, without you knowing why they left you. Think about it. Really think.
5. My kitten Jack was the best. You was always there for you. You could talk to him. Pet him. And. He'd make you feel better. He died at about 7 months, but he was the best.
6. My kitten Jingo disappeared, I didn't get to say goodbye to her. She was always there for you. Put her in your lap and she'd purr to you and make you feel better. No matter what. Imagine losing someone like that.
7. Jingo made a huge impact on my life even when she was only here for 4 months.
8. My cat Jasper's brother was Jack. When he turned a year old it was very hard. Because. Jack wasn't with him.
9. Have you ever worked on a farm before? Well do it every and think about it. Instead of looking at a screen, watching television, and playing video games of course.
10. I can be snappy at times, but I can't help it.
11. Criticizing me and my snappy at times attitude makes me feel like absolute crap. I have enough of that in my life already. Thank. You. Very. Much.
Hope this helped anyone understand me a little more. But. I can go on if you want a book full of details about my personal life.

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