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Alright, so in math class my I ask my friend whether  she wanted me to call her Jernee or Alex, she said Alex because she wants to be a boy. No offense, but it was kinda a bit random.
(I think Alex/Jernee goes by by the pronouns they/them/he/)
[I need to remember]

Moving on...

In gym class my really close friend asked me if I turned emo...

She said because I have been wearing a lot of black recently.

I am like: , sorry, I'm not emo.

: friend : alright

I did something stupid today..
My friend threw the frisbee into a small bush tree thing and I was two meters up. 

Me: I'll get it!

Also me: the brush is so thick, you can barely walk, there are vines everywhere. I don't think I can get it. I made my way to the tree-bush where I had some space, started shaking it so the frisbee would come down. I come down about a meter, I stretched to crab it. I barely got it. I had to go back out of the jungle when I couldn't see it.

Me "I got the frisbee!!!!!!!" (I'm victorious)

Friends: shocked that I actually got it down.

My friend said when my hair is down or in a braid I look like a which, alright.

Side notes-
the frisbee was as green as the leaves or the tree it was stuck in
•the teachers were over 50ft away and didn't notice us/me
•When my friend told me I look like a which when my hair in is a certain way I laughed, like, a light laugh

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