Drunk Love ‼️

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I sit at the bar, pondering about the work week ahead of me, watching the steady flow of patrons leaving and entering the bar. Everyday I regret taking the chance and joining the US Military, nothing good has come out of it. Loss of friends, loss of family, the tragedies of the world weighing down on your shoulders. Better yet, navigating the world by yourself. I haven't the time to endure a relationship, besides, I work with numerous men, all of whom have set my standards way too high. The recruitment notice for TF141 came as a shock, I never once assumed I would be good enough. But now here I am, alone, at a bar, regretting every decision i've ever made.

"All alone aye?" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. I turn slightly to see Ghost, a fellow One-Four-One member. Not one I would say I'm close to, my feelings getting in the way of me ever getting to know him better, but we get along. "So it seems are you," I retort, "where's your little puppy?" "Aye fuck off," he huffs. Strange, I usually always see him and Johnny together.

"Truly Simon tell me," I say studying his eyes, the only feature I can see due to his mask, squinting my eyes slightly, "what are you doing all alone?" He sighs, nodding at the bartender for his drink, lifting his mask to his nose to drink the alcohol before him, "can't a man drink alone?" He says coldly, keeping his gaze fixed on the tv showing a football match. "Fine fine" I utter, throwing my hands up. "Just curious," I sip my drink, usually I'm not one for alcohol but the world feels as if it's caving in today. I guess he was just as shocked to see me at a pub as I was to see him alone. "How's about you?" He motions towards the whiskey in my hands, "Didn't think you was much of a drinker." His gaze meets mine, his brown eyes shining in the dim glow of the pub. I sigh heavily, why was I even talking to him, I never did at work, "life I guess." Silence ensues for a moment before he just grunts, almost as if he's head for the same reason.

Minutes turn to hours as small talk turns into full blown conversations. "I've got ta be honest with ya," he admits, his cheeks slightly flushed from the alcohol coursing through his system, my head snaps up staring at him intently. What was he about to say, what was going on? "I don't avoid you at base on purpose yknow." "Well then why do you? Why are we even talking now?" I question sternly, what was going on? The night still seems just as confusing even within my drunken state. "Look," he says softly, "I avoid you as to not get close to you, as to not develop feelings, they wouldn't bode well in this line of work." My gaze softens as my jaw drops, did he just admit to liking me? My mind feels fuzzy, the alcohol and rush of feelings squabbling with one another. "What?" I ask in a hushed tone, not being able to say anything else, I can't wrap my head around this. He chuckles softly, "don't act like you don't know, I catch you staring at me, plenty." My face becomes heated, "I- when, when have you... what?" My head drops to my hands, I was slick about it, I never told anyone, I never hinted it ever, sure I had feelings for him, who wouldn't? He's tall, built, and sure emotionally unavailable, but that just makes the mystery of him even more exciting. He laughs at my flustered response, taking another swig from his drink. "Now ya see why I'm all alone?"

Once my mind has cleared and my heart rate has slowed I lift my head back up at him, I don't know where the courage came from, probably the whiskey, but I'll never know, "Well then why have you never said anything?" My voice small, but my eyes ignited with fire and passion. He tears his eyes away from the screen ahead, gazing into mine, a mixture of passion and lust behind his as well. "all sorts of things love," he said softly, his face moving in closer to mine, "but I said it now haven't I?" I nod softly, words being captured in my throat, our faces nearing as I scoot closer to him in the booth. We stop, inches away from each other, "kiss me you bastard." I say hotly, my longing for him evident. He chuckles softly, resting a hand on my thigh, causing a shiver to ignite through my body. "Simon," I moan lowly. His name rolling off my tongue sparked the fire as he attacked my lips with his. Our drunken stupor causing the kiss to become heated quickly. I moan softly into the kiss, my noises only turning him on more, "if you keep that up," he says huskily into my lips, "you won't stop me tonight." "Is that a threat, Simon?" I purr his name, letting it roll off my tongue painfully slow, knowing the affect of the words had on him. "Fuck it" He growls, grabbing my hand harshly, and pulling me from the booth swiftly, he slaps down a hefty sum of cash on the table before leading me through the crowd and out the door.

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