Miss Me? ‼️

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i'm thinking of making c.ai bots too, i've been testing it out and they seem to run fluidly


Simon Riley.. the man who stole my heart, and I somehow managed to steal his. He was a sweet lover, something I never expected from him but loved anyways.

Cuddles were always happening, countless times he made me breakfast in bed, showered me with praise and affection. I was his and he was mine.

His arms were draped around my neck as we danced slowly, his soft smile as he gazed at me had me swooning. The suit he wore, oh good lord. I wanted to get him home and just-


Fuck. We weren't slow dancing, we weren't cuddling, we weren't even together. God I hated deployments.
I sat up in bed somberly, rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out, there was no smell of eggs and bacon wafting from the kitchen, no sandalwood and tobacco scent coming from beside me.

Begrudgingly, I clambered out of bed, making my way into the bathroom with a yawn. I looked at myself in the mirror and goddamn did I look horrid. My hair was a tangled mess, I had some serious eye bags and my nose was incredibly stuffed up


Quite the opposite.

With a grumble I started up my shower, figured it'd wake me up before I started my day officially.

Only the lord knew when Simon would be getting back, but I wanted to make him a nice dinner when he did, a steak maybe? Me? No, no he needs real food. Guess I'll go to the store, figure something out there...

Finishing the shower, I step out and dry off, getting dressed, eating a quick bowl of cereal, feeding the cats and heading off to the grocery store.

It's around 1pm when I finally reach the closest market. I sigh and turn off the car, what the actual hell am I gonna make for dinner. Why is this so difficult just think of something, he's not picky he'll eat whatever! Chicken, a nice stir fry, waffles for fucks sake! I let out a frustrated sigh..


Practically jumping out of my seat I gaze down at my phone, it's Simon out of all people. Grinning idiotically I open my phone.

"Hey love, Force has been brought back, I should be outta here by dinner"

Shit, that means I really gotta figure out what to make, if it's gonna be tonight.

"Sounds great! Speaking of dinner.. do you have anything in mind?"

He better. Grabbing my wallet and the keys I head out the car and make my way to the store. Still thinking about what to possibly make, this isn't a math test, good lord just think-

"Just you"

Cheeky. Rolling my eyes I shoot back a message.

"Seriously babe, I have no idea what to make"

If he doesn't give me any ideas he's getting a bucket of fried chicken I swear. God just being in a grocery store makes it all the more harder to pick just one meal.

"fish and chips sounds good if you feel like cooking"

Fucking Brits...

"Sure thing, pay attention to your debrief Lieutenant"

Had I known I would be catering to his nationality I would've brought the recipe to know what I needed. Fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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